Back to Warrior’s Machete…

Did any of you Warrior fans ever read his blog “Warrior’s Machete” back in the day? Well, I did a few times and wanted to find a pic or video reflecting his look during that period. I also wanted to look up exactly what a machete is as I know it to be a sword. I get why he used that reference as a warrior but found out something else. It means “macho” in Spanish! I wonder if he ever knew that? He does now (: ***BTW– I recently watched the video again where the Ultimate Maniacs made their television debut. The date was 9-19-92. My birthday is Sept. 19th. 💖

Let’s go back to early 1999 for me and Warrior’s machete. First off, I really can’t even remember him having a website much less a blog. No idea on why this came to my mind at all. Did someone tell me? No, at least not to my knowledge. Maybe a song on the radio put him into my thinking that inspired me to look it up online. I don’t know since that remains another mystery…???

Here’s a different question for you to ponder. Who remembers or had WebTV before other ways of connecting to the Internet? We didn’t have extra money for true internet service and it was limiting then. Oh my goodness, such memories. My brother had set this up for our Mom to use in her bedroom but my sister and I had access as well. You had to follow this green line at the bottom of the screen and watch it load. At least there was nice music playing instead of that screeching noise made by dial-up! 😬 I vividly remember sitting on my Mom’s bed (later a chair) when no one was home waiting for that connection to find “Warrior’s Machete.”

I knew he’d have lots to say but no idea on these lengthy posts! No way could I spend close to an hour maybe reading all he typed. Most times, I’d just skim thru his thoughts on wrestling, politics, patriotism, historians, and on and on… Very interesting and thought provoking whether I was necessarily in agreement or not. Mom would be coming back soon from picking up my sister from Band practice or a friend’s house so I always had to read quickly. The car would be pulling into our driveway as I moved fast to shut it down. I only recall checking it out a few times plus also seeing his gear on the website. I really wanted to see a photo of him then. He looked similar to my pic above.

I never forgot that obviously but let’s move forward to about 6 years later. Yes, I did the math and yes, that number pops up again! My son was about a year old as I lived elsewhere now with my new family. While he napped, that was ME time. Even though my kids are older, that time of day is still for me– just in other ways. Now, it involves my workout but then the fitness aspect wasn’t as detailed.

I decided to get on the computer and look up: ( Am not linking this since it’s different now.) *** Why did I look this up? What in the world made his website once again come into my thoughts? Guess what I found? Warrior’s Machete and I’m pretty sure it was still that blog. It is a little blurry to me so anyone who can validate in 2005– let me know! Wow… it was the same lengthy way he wrote back in 1999. So very cool to know he was still around communicating his points of view to fans although controversial at times. A few different subject matters that made me sigh… 😞but all him.

Things come to our minds for so many reasons that we may not question at the time. When I looked up “Warrior’s Machete,” never did I think twice about it at all. I just had the idea and went with it– both times. Years later, it became my turn to write my own blogs in my P.O.V. Warrior was a blogger, Dana was, and so am I. None of this was me emulating or comparing at all. I fought it emotionally back then and fought it hard.

Every time I sit to write either of my blogs, I remember discovering “Warrior’s Machete” 21 years ago in my Mom’s bedroom. Who would’ve thought I’d be writing on the internet like he did? Not me ever. Life changes in so many ways as am sure you all can relate some past experiences with your now.

Warrior evolved with his blog over time as I have with mine. Whatever your passion is, things come and stay if they are truly meant to be. The Universe and my intuition worked together lining up “Warrior’s Machete” several times in my life for a future I never expected. Look for those universal moments in your life warriors. You may not have a machete with words but follow that intuition. It’ll get you there and keep believing as a warrior with your own P.O.V. 💡👏🏻

P.S. That photo above was from a speaking event in 2004. ~~RingsideFest Q and A.

~~ Youtube channel: WrestlingRocks (32:48)

P.P.S. PLEASE continue staying healthy and well warriors during this global virus! I will still be here

with Warrior content so you can fill your days at home with your favorite blogger-ME! 😉

** Find me also on Twitter, youtube, and Pinterest (:

Author: Kathy Pickett

I'm a wife, mom of 2 and have always been a huge fan of WWE’s the Ultimate Warrior despite his passing. I created this blog to share my stories relating to him that happened years ago and some are continuing today with his Spirit alive and well! I hope some fans out there relate and enjoy my blog!!! Check out my book “Spirit and Belief” on how Warrior influenced me in spirit. It is filled with humor, family stories, psychic terms, following my intuition, and how everyone has natural abilities we can tap into or get guidance upon.

2 thoughts on “Back to Warrior’s Machete…”

  1. Hi

    I own the painting he drew called “Warrior’s Machete”

    His wife took down the site

    That was the original link to the page,I bought it in 2011

    No idea why she took it all down…us fans would have enjoyed it as he wrote about each piece

    Collectors Item

    Original painting made by the Ultimate Warrior I bought of him in 2011

    (warriors wife has taken down the warriors blog but I’ve included a screenshot i saved to the app Pocket)

    Is 30cm x 22cm

    WWF wrestling The Ultimate Warrior self portrait painted by warrior himself

    ” This image, which I’ve painted with a brush (my first time using a brush as the tool on one of my Fine Art pieces instead of my customary knife ), was taken at a photo session in Phoenix just as this great Survivors Series story was beginning to unfold”

    He wrote alot more but I can’t copy and paste as its a screen shot

    So sad she took it down

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bp,
      First off, thank you so much for finding my blog and commenting. I so appreciate and respect fans for all their devotion. Second, how ultimately cool that you own one of his original artwork pieces. Too bad you can’t share it ): Lastly, I am shocked and saddened that Steve and Dana have taken down the website. Thank you for bringing that to my attention as I will mention that in my post this week.
      Us fans loved looking at his creations and I loved Dana’s blog when she wrote it. I will have to delete on my Pinterest board as they are no longer valid. 🙁 Perhaps, she doesn’t want any of his work or merchandise available anymore. I bought a warrior girl t-shirt a few years back. Maybe they weren’t getting the business and now with the virus, who knows… I do have an email from her back in 2016 and I was a caller on the 1st episode of “Total Warriors” when she did that podcast a few years ago.
      Thank you again for sharing and I do respect their privacy. I hope nothing too negative happened but oh well… So awesome how you have something he did. If you enjoy my posts, please share with any fans out there as we keep his legacy alive.., I always believe!
      All the best,


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