End of an Era… 😬🥊🤼‍♀️

Before those words above are discussed , it was my birthday yesterday. 🥳 I am very grateful being able to exist here while loving all life has to offer. I always get a little emotional as I have yet another trip around the Sun, ☀️but like Warrior had said: ” your life matters.” That it does so go out and own it! I am doing just that. Yes, I did watch my annual b-day tradition of “The Ultimate Challenge” of WMVI plus a few other promos listed on that date. I especially loved the formation of the Ultimate Maniacs debut that I also watched. Now, I’ll get into today’s title…❤️💛💪🏻

I’m sure WWE fans KNOW what it means. Some posts write themselves… Maybe you don’t so here’s a quick recap. It’s official. The McMahon family are no longer in control of that wrestling company that’s been around over 70 years now. UFC‘s parent company of Endeavor combined forces to form TKO (the stock name) with Vince still chairman of WWE and Triple H still head of creative. They have worked together for years and yet it affects me now. WHY??? I don’t watch anymore but know from my brother and social media what is happening. It’s no longer Titan Sports Entertainment as we know it but time passes and change becomes inevitable. I am better at transitions than I used to be but it’s still bittersweet to me. How about you? I did a P. S. on this when it started back in April but now, it’s complete…

I guess all of us fans in one way or another have so many questions looming. What changes will they make? And when? Are some Superstars leaving because of this? Why couldn’t WWE stay in the family with Stephanie and Triple H taking over? Oh, I have so many more. I know it’s business and Vince is all about that, always has been. I hope it ALL wasn’t just about the 💰(like many always assumed with Warrior) but guess I don’t really know. Do I wish WWE could’ve remained with the McMahon’s? Yes, I do but some think otherwise. Vince still is in control a little and we would be remiss if we think he has zero input. Maybe he didn’t want his kids negotiating a huge family deal that might bring up animosity. He ended it (in a way) in typical wrestling fashion~ with a 3 count. I wrote about that expression a few weeks ago. Vince’s Grandpa, his Dad, and then him. No more, no less. Some will say “good riddance”and that Vince’s ideas were out of touch. They are justified in saying that just like the bittersweet emotions some others have. Vince is a workaholic and WWE would live and die with him. It has (sorta) but we can be excited for its future. I am curious to see what happens next.

It’s an emotional loss, but a huge financial gain. Too bad this all couldn’t have happened after WWE’s HUGE milestone of WM40 next year. Vince just turned 78, so despite some personal feelings towards him (mine included to a degree,) I do wish him the best.

I hear ya though lifers. We can’t just pretend that 70 years of the McMahons never existed. It goes back generations with fans too. It could’ve been YOUR Grandpa and Dad that followed as well… It’s the end of an era and the beginning of another. Would his Dad and Grandpa approve? Some will have their own opinions on that, but think of it like this. Both of them I am sure NEVER could’ve ever imagined a merger with such a huge amount at stake, but companies like UFC didn’t exist then. We can say this about other examples too. Vince (along with Warrior) had mentioned Walt Disney many times. I bet he too could never have thought Disneyland or Disney World and the Disney brand would become what it is today. Would Walt approve of everything that has happened in 100 years time? He has a front row seat now but who knows? It’s that kind of thinking we need to consider.

Yes, we will always have our memories as I am so grateful for mine. Warrior’s reconciliation with Vince, his HOF induction by Linda, Triple H bringing him back (along with help from a few others…,) not to forget all the amazing years in between. The great, good, and bad with the McMahon’s. After all that time, they got to a good place and us fans should take stock (pun intended!) in that. I don’t watch as I say frequently but those good ol’ Golden Era years will always be in my heart and will never go away. ❤️

Time will tell about this huge merger of two powerhouse companies, so we need to be prepared. Nothing remains the same as it once was but maybe most will? I do hope some long-term employees remain but I can’t guess on that either. Some have already been let go. Endeavor might want more of their own people getting new roles and those changes might be sooner than we think. I’m sure UFC downsized as well. That happens with these mergers. WWE has always been shocking with storylines so perhaps behind the scenes might get shaken up a bit too. Some might choose to leave for personal reasons as their devotion to Vince could be over. A few I’d love to see go… 🙄 Whatever happens, fans just want a good company and product to still enjoy despite the end of an era. I will share something I refer to often that was told to me about many things: ” sit with it, sit with it, sit with it…” Sit with it for a bit…

Will you all still support this change? Will AEW or some other wrestling businesses gain new viewers? I believe many will stick around out of curiosity for sure. They still have favorites and want to see if they continue on the roster. This topic is highly debatable with pros and cons and lifelong fans feel it the most. Gosh, I did but for me~~~ it’s more memories. Like I said earlier, WHY do I care? I’m still connected but that’s a big question with many answers… We are all on the edge of our seats as Vince always made sure of. He is still doing that 40+ years later. The end of an era it truly is but like Warrior had said: ” always believe.That I will…

P.S. Maybe Vince wants to look like Walt Disney with his newer appearance??? 🫢 I have no words here… to each their own though… Seriously~~~ after he is gone someday, I hope he can look down at WWE ( or ⬆️ but NO- I don’t believe that!) AND say: ” I hope I did well with that company…” I hope we ALL will say we did well someday too with our own ENDEAVORS…

P.P.S. I also did hear this ***BIG*** news (many may know already) so it has to be added here. Dana Warrior was one of the WWE employees released. Many were shocked by this news but I was not that surprised considering she didn’t have a big role anymore. This begs the question of what will happen with the Warrior Award? Did it end with Tim White as the final recipient? *** I will update this post in the coming months ahead… 🤷🏻‍♀️🫤🤔