End of an Era… πŸ˜¬πŸ₯ŠπŸ€Όβ€β™€οΈ

Before those words above are discussed , it was my birthday yesterday. πŸ₯³ I am very grateful being able to exist here while loving all life has to offer. I always get a little emotional as I have yet another trip around the Sun, β˜€οΈbut like Warrior had said: ” your life matters.” That it does so go out and own it! I am doing just that. Yes, I did watch my annual b-day tradition of “The Ultimate Challenge” of WMVI plus a few other promos listed on that date. I especially loved the formation of the Ultimate Maniacs debut that I also watched. Now, I’ll get into today’s title…β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’ͺ🏻

I’m sure WWE fans KNOW what it means. Some posts write themselves… Maybe you don’t so here’s a quick recap. It’s official. The McMahon family are no longer in control of that wrestling company that’s been around over 70 years now. UFC‘s parent company of Endeavor combined forces to form TKO (the stock name) with Vince still chairman of WWE and Triple H still head of creative. They have worked together for years and yet it affects me now. WHY??? I don’t watch anymore but know from my brother and social media what is happening. It’s no longer Titan Sports Entertainment as we know it but time passes and change becomes inevitable. I am better at transitions than I used to be but it’s still bittersweet to me. How about you? I did a P. S. on this when it started back in April but now, it’s complete…

I guess all of us fans in one way or another have so many questions looming. What changes will they make? And when? Are some Superstars leaving because of this? Why couldn’t WWE stay in the family with Stephanie and Triple H taking over? Oh, I have so many more. I know it’s business and Vince is all about that, always has been. I hope it ALL wasn’t just about the πŸ’°(like many always assumed with Warrior) but guess I don’t really know. Do I wish WWE could’ve remained with the McMahon’s? Yes, I do but some think otherwise. Vince still is in control a little and we would be remiss if we think he has zero input. Maybe he didn’t want his kids negotiating a huge family deal that might bring up animosity. He ended it (in a way) in typical wrestling fashion~ with a 3 count. I wrote about that expression a few weeks ago. Vince’s Grandpa, his Dad, and then him. No more, no less. Some will say “good riddance”and that Vince’s ideas were out of touch. They are justified in saying that just like the bittersweet emotions some others have. Vince is a workaholic and WWE would live and die with him. It has (sorta) but we can be excited for its future. I am curious to see what happens next.

It’s an emotional loss, but a huge financial gain. Too bad this all couldn’t have happened after WWE’s HUGE milestone of WM40 next year. Vince just turned 78, so despite some personal feelings towards him (mine included to a degree,) I do wish him the best.

I hear ya though lifers. We can’t just pretend that 70 years of the McMahons never existed. It goes back generations with fans too. It could’ve been YOUR Grandpa and Dad that followed as well… It’s the end of an era and the beginning of another. Would his Dad and Grandpa approve? Some will have their own opinions on that, but think of it like this. Both of them I am sure NEVER could’ve ever imagined a merger with such a huge amount at stake, but companies like UFC didn’t exist then. We can say this about other examples too. Vince (along with Warrior) had mentioned Walt Disney many times. I bet he too could never have thought Disneyland or Disney World and the Disney brand would become what it is today. Would Walt approve of everything that has happened in 100 years time? He has a front row seat now but who knows? It’s that kind of thinking we need to consider.

Yes, we will always have our memories as I am so grateful for mine. Warrior’s reconciliation with Vince, his HOF induction by Linda, Triple H bringing him back (along with help from a few others…,) not to forget all the amazing years in between. The great, good, and bad with the McMahon’s. After all that time, they got to a good place and us fans should take stock (pun intended!) in that. I don’t watch as I say frequently but those good ol’ Golden Era years will always be in my heart and will never go away. ❀️

Time will tell about this huge merger of two powerhouse companies, so we need to be prepared. Nothing remains the same as it once was but maybe most will? I do hope some long-term employees remain but I can’t guess on that either. Some have already been let go. Endeavor might want more of their own people getting new roles and those changes might be sooner than we think. I’m sure UFC downsized as well. That happens with these mergers. WWE has always been shocking with storylines so perhaps behind the scenes might get shaken up a bit too. Some might choose to leave for personal reasons as their devotion to Vince could be over. A few I’d love to see go… πŸ™„ Whatever happens, fans just want a good company and product to still enjoy despite the end of an era. I will share something I refer to often that was told to me about many things: ” sit with it, sit with it, sit with it…” Sit with it for a bit…

Will you all still support this change? Will AοΏΌEW or some other wrestling businesses gain new viewers? I believe many will stick around out of curiosity for sure. They still have favorites and want to see if they continue on the roster. This topic is highly debatable with pros and cons and lifelong fans feel it the most. Gosh, I did but for me~~~ it’s more memories. Like I said earlier, WHY do I care? I’m still connected but that’s a big question with many answers… We are all on the edge of our seats as Vince always made sure of. He is still doing that 40+ years later. The end of an era it truly is but like Warrior had said: ” always believe.That I will…

P.S. Maybe Vince wants to look like Walt Disney with his newer appearance??? 🫒 I have no words here… to each their own though… Seriously~~~ after he is gone someday, I hope he can look down at WWE ( or ⬆️ but NO- I don’t believe that!) AND say: ” I hope I did well with that company…” I hope we ALL will say we did well someday too with our own ENDEAVORS…

P.P.S. I also did hear this ***BIG*** news (many may know already) so it has to be added here. Dana Warrior was one of the WWE employees released. Many were shocked by this news but I was not that surprised considering she didn’t have a big role anymore. This begs the question of what will happen with the Warrior Award? Did it end with Tim White as the final recipient? *** I will update this post in the coming months ahead… πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ«€πŸ€”


Summer Camp and Dress-up Dreams πŸŽˆπŸš©πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ 

Why, hello there warriors! We had a great time up in the Sand dunes of Northern Michigan but now, it’s back to these writings I share with all of you. I told ya dreams were coming and these are just a two count today. Wait until you read about a summer camp and a dress-up time for us girls. Long title I know.οΏΌ..

Let’s start with summer camp. It is that season after all here in the U.S. so perfect timing. I’m actually not apologizing for the photo today as I know it’s full of errors. I decided keeping it this way fit since that gear of the Ultimate Warrior was exactly how he looked in this dream. That match was against Randy AGAIN and it was so fast paced. I took the pic when I could as most shots good enough were of his backside and I needed the match- not something from a book, the Internet, or a magazine. OK, now that you know those details, let’s get on with the dream. Oh, I couldn’t find this match on YouTube either.οΏΌ

I was at my old grade school (yes, once more) only outside in the parking lot waiting for the summer camp teachers to come out. I questioned this later but my kids did attend a camp there a few years which was ages ago AND I had just taken a yoga class outside in a parking lot a few days prior. Those are the connections I get. So, another questionable moment was how I didn’t remember my kids being there so whose kids did I come for? Well, I realized I came to see Warrior as he was a camp counselor and I knew him. Pretty neat. The instructors were all introduced one by one as the lot was decorated with balloons, rainbow pennants, and just tons of fun stuff for the kids.οΏΌ

Warrior’s group was waiting for him as all these counselors were way back at the entrance. Can you fans see where this is headed? It’s a loooong driveway. Warrior makes his entrance by running (of course) all the way through the lot to where his kids and I are standing. He looked exactly like that photo you see with red, yellow, and blue paint plus gear. EXACTLY. You can watch the match from 2/11/89 on: “The Ultimate Collection” DVD. I suppose he put a shirt on afterwards but that was not included, ha ha! Once the cheering stopped a little, he caught up to the kids all sweaty and hot from running. There was a hose nearby and he began taking a drink. Remember those days- if you are old enough? He then turned the hose on the kids and sprayed them as laughter broke out! He wasn’t gonna soak them as camp needed to start soon indoors but what fun. I got out of the way but it was so cute seeing him like that with these kids. Obviously, he either was still wrestling or had taken a break for the summer camp. That doesn’t matter but I laughed at this dream he gifted me with. We all had an ultimate blast!οΏΌ πŸ˜‚ There was Camp WWE the cartoon several years back so maybe another connector…

The second one involved Dana, me, and our two youngest. My daughter and her Mattie. This was a first in a dream. Never before have I gotten any of our kids together so I take it all. It started with Dana, Mattie, and my girl all trying on different dress up clothes in an attic type area. Huh? What does this mean? I guess the girls were friends as Dana and I must’ve been too. I joined in later since my presence wasn’t part of the beginning. The attic area was off a bathroom in their house which is a little odd but ah well.οΏΌ

You had to walk through the bathroom to get to the attic. When I arrived, I actually needed to use the bathroom so I went in and closed the door. On the vanity was this plastic bin with lots of hair claw clips. Mostly black. Us girls use those ya know. My real life here, oh my… To back up a smidge, the day before I was listening to: “80’s Wrestling the Podcast” which was all about theme music from the Golden Era. So entertaining and cool, I knew them all! I was wearing this loose bracelet and while dancing and singing (you fans would be too!) it flew off. Oh no, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I looked over and under things while the cat came in my room. She even got riled up by my frantic cleaning. 😬 I thought it had fallen through the air duct where it would be lost forever. My screwdriver was no help as I continued listening to the podcast. I asked for help to no one in particular and it was at that moment when I spotted it. The bracelet was in my basket of claw clips on the dresser. WOW…. I knew that connection right away after waking from this dream. It seemed to end there but we were smiling and laughing together. Two dreams of playful, fun activities with one including another first.οΏΌ

There you go warriors. Summer camp and dressing up. Warrior in one and Dana in the other. The SAME night. Both with kids and us being kid-like. Maybe I need to play more? I do remember my youngest liking some “pretend” clothes like a few princess gowns, feather boas, tiaras, jewelry, and fancy big girl shoes. She isn’t quite like that anymore as casual fits her style these days. I am remembering hats in the dream too but everything was mixed up in a big box. No idea on the why but I get used to not fully questioning everything anymore. I may not understand all the meanings but these dreams are truly wonderful to me. How exactly they get planned out up in “parts unknown” remains a mystery but sometimes I do get the meanings as many are quite obvious. I always thank Warrior for being part of this all however it works. Dreams have been my “thing” since childhood so it makes sense to me on the validity and vividness.οΏΌ

I can only imagine the great time those kids had with Warrior as their camp counselor. It reminded me of when he came as a preschool teacher too.., I’m so incredibly humbled but oh so grateful to know more on this warrior journey of mine. Don’t discredit your dreams either like I’ve always said. I’ve had other crazy ones lately too! Must be that June full moon which affects me. πŸŒ• Your life and the people in it matter however they connect to you. So, get out there and PLAY a little. That’s my message so I will pass it on to all of you. Get those zzzzz’s too.οΏΌ 😴😴

P.S. I DID have LOTS of stuff happen on Warrior’s birthday, oh my goodness… My Alexa “randomly” was playing in the other room as I had not asked her anything… The song was a Bobby Brown one and not familiar to me but so cool! I had just been on some social media that was Warrior related and was in the house alone..,

~~~I also got a new song while working out that day and as I asked Alexa who sang it- she said the group but got BLEEPED with the title!!!! I could not believe that but just laughed … that was a first..,

~~~ Here’s the three count: I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store and when arriving, the speaker was playing : “Two Hearts” by Phil Collins! Fans will know that connection with Warrior but I tried SO hard not to laugh as the produce guy was nearby.. I kept saying to Warrior how it isn’t my birthday, it’s his! There were a few other moments while waking up that day but will leave it at a 3 count!


*** Website temporarily down, bandwidth issues so check back soon!

*** You can also look for my book “Spirit and Beliefon Amazon and other outlets for other great intuitive connections, Warrior stories, dreams, humor, and more!

*** I am also on Twitter, YouTube, and in a U.W. fb group (:

Warrior Year in Review

Well, this is it until 2022 warriors. I’ll be taking a few weeks off for family stuff as this year ends. What a year with these writings! First, I have to explain the photo you see of Warrior in the NWC (National Wrestling Conference) above. I won’t get into the details of how that came to be but again, wanted to show another opportunity he had outside of his WWF/WCW days. This took place in Las Vegas back in 1995 I believe. I had this image in my head for a bit of that exact look of Warrior but couldn’t remember specifics. I kept thinking it was about bodybuilding which Vince did promote with his WBF( World Bodybuilding Federation.) It was driving me nuts since I thought that would make a great photo! For some reason, I kept thinking either Mean Gene Okerlund or Sean Mooney was interviewing Warrior but I had some things right. I could picture the background just not the exact letters and I knew he was blond wearing jeans and sunglasses. 😎

Finally, I decided to ask some Ultimate Warrior Facebook group members. One guy posted an interview with Warrior and it wasn’t bodybuilding like I thought, it was the NWC and Bill Anderson instead of Gene or Sean. Redemption! I looked it up and found what was racking my brain for days. Glad I asked as Youtube wasn’t helping me out much. Bill Anderson is part of my year in review. I didn’t know of everyone back in the day and he even announces “The Weasel Match” on the Ultimate Collection DVD (: So glad to find out his history and friendship with Warrior over the years. Warrior even acknowledges him in his HOF speech. πŸ’™

Let’s see… So many highlights, where to begin? I guess for most fans it would have to be those biographies of Warrior shown back in May. I have talked about them PLENTY… My video has almost 1,000 views so I continue to be shocked. Thank you all for the interest. I was also stunned to speak with Daniel Amigone who directed the A&E documentary. Despite some content, just to be contacted was a big thrill for me.

A few others that come to mind as being part of this review are my posts on intensity and “The Whole Time.” Intensity is a word I never talked about even though many others identified it with the Ultimate Warrior character. I always overlooked it since overused it became. I finally wrote a story but it’s kinda like the whole time post. I had never used a pic of U.W. slamming anyone when that also was iconic to the character. Never in my media of photos had I used him getting ready to do that gorilla press and just like my movie references, it was there the whole time.

I cannot possibly forget a few milestones concerning dates like WMVII and XII celebrating 30 and 25 plus falling on Wednesdays when warrior writings comes out. Not to mention Warrior’s birthday falling on blog day this year as well. So many things… I was grateful to have found several podcasts, YouTube videos, and more in 2021. I especially enjoyed listening to Steve Wilton and Peter Pallis since they were so integral with Warrior’s later years of business and friendship. I was humbled that Steve and I connected and he was able to answer my questions when I asked. That was the biggest WOW moment for me personally thru all this. He took the time to communicate despite my sometimes crazy stories! 😬I thank him profusely. He even watched my video on the Warrior bio and was very proud.

I had a few emails from fans of Warrior too and have saved each one. Some think I am Steve or Dana, it’s kinda funny. πŸ˜‚They were amazing to contact me and share their stories from across the miles. Warrior was truly inspirational to them and they trusted me enough to care. I never even knew “The Miz” got into wrestling because of the Ultimate Warrior and that as a little boy, he idolized him. I wasn’t expecting to hear that since I don’t truly follow but exciting all at once. He is also the first inductee for the 2022 HOF class. I thought you had to be retired? Hmmm… πŸ€”

If you’ve been reading a while, you also know of a few more dreams that have been written. There was a couple with Dana plus Warrior guiding me to receive energy healing work. All incredible and I am in awe of everything I receive. I even used a photo with Dana for the first time ever. Speaking of dreams, my cousin and I finally filmed our “Aura of Dreams” video series which turned out pretty great! You can find that on my YouTube channel and of course Warrior is a topic along with my book Spirit and Belief.

Another brief video series I want to mention quickly is “Daze with Jordan the Lion.” He does travel vlogs and was able to see a few places in Warrior’s life. Gold’s Gym, Warrior University, ( more on that soon!) and the hotel parking lot where he passed are featured. Yes, the last one was upsetting but to see the other spaces was kinda cool especially since the bagel shop has kept some things intact from Warrior’s Gym. I thought that was special. Jordan had mentioned in the future possibly going to Warrior’s hometown of Crawfordsville, IN. We’ll see what happens…

So, I can mention a ton more but think I’ll leave it at that. I have used some photos from the U.W. fb groups so those were a bonus. Some I had never seen before. There is content they put out I am not always in agreement upon but who knows how it will continue to go? Next year will begin with new writings and I already have a few ideas. I’m always thinking but do need a mental and emotional break. Early April brings some other number connections and one you might know but I have more up my sleeve or should I say boots!

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year as this upcoming one will be very busy for my family. Time needs to slow down sometimes… Until We Meet Again, enjoy the Holiday Season and catch up while you’re waiting on more writings! * That was another emotional post for me as well. * ~~~ Kathy

P.S. While Holiday shopping in a few new stores, they had lots of goodies perfect for me (: I even saw “Warrior” soap! Maybe I’ll go back in the summer since it’s for insect bites. Also, one store attached a poem to my bag about taking care of yourself. It reads:

“You’re weary but you’re a warrior.” ~~~ I am saving that. πŸ˜‰


~~~ Check out my site on book info about how Warrior’s energy inspired my natural psychic gifts to come thru. I share personal stories, dreams, family stuff, and more! You can also find it on Amazon and other outlets.

~~~ If you’re a spiritual buff like me, I write another blog over there on lots of interesting topics so check it out! I am also on Twitter and YouTube ( of course!)


***Here is a brief wrap-up with some of my blogs on here if you prefer watching over reading. I mention my s& b posts too. Subscribe if you feel so inclined!!


*** Oh, I always remembered all 3 Warrior girls have December birthdays so happiest to all of them! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Be Compassionate warriors πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Hey there warriors. Well, here I am again with a word that kept coming to me. I went into that debate mode of writing about this or not as a similar post is on Spirit and Belief this week. They are sorta a tag team again as the word of compassion works today too. No, it’s not like I’m researching all these virtues or attributes- really it’s not like that at all. It’s more connectors that fit into my life or current situation of sorts.

I’ll ask you all some questions first before sharing my stories today. Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Is it a trait just reserved for some and not all? Maybe we just throw it around without fully realizing its definition. I know what it means but looked it up anyway. It actually is defined as: “to suffer together.” What? Why would we want that? We may know others that go thru what we are experiencing but everyone- no way! Guess what though? We do suffer together as people trying to make the best out of this great life we all have. Our individual sufferings may differ but collectively, we’re all just the same.

I don’t mean this as a downer and nobody wants pity which many may confuse with compassion. Empathy is another similar word. I kinda thought they were the same but no, not quite. Empathy is just the feeling you get when noticing another’s situation. Compassion is actually taking action to help a person. Your action might be different from people but compassion takes empathy a step further.

Going back to the Ultimate Warrior biography on A&E’s network in May, here were some of my emotions. First, I KNOW I discussed this bio already but you’ll see my point. While watching some parts, the word compassion entered my head. I kept saying to the T.V. ( in my mind of course) “I’m so sorry Warrior. I am very sorry for so much.” I may have said more but you get the idea. Some clips were when he was a young introverted boy as explained by his Mom. I too could totally feel those emotions just switched to a girl. So much of what she said sounded just like me. I felt it was a mirror of a different kind. Empathy yes, but compassion makes me take action like writing, speaking, and using my view to make a difference or to inspire others. The apology video was another scene where I talked it thru to myself. *SIGH.* πŸ’”

Now, there have been some other “findings” that a few U.W. groups discovered. I do watch and read since it’s important being educated while having your own opinion. This wasn’t the good stuff like podcasts or even those “shoot” interviews. These were specifics all about his passing. I realize Warrior will always be talked about all over the wrestling world and perhaps some body building circuits but again- just SIGH from me. “I’m so sorry yet once more Warrior.” Not pity for him but empathy and compassion. Guess I need it for the others that post those controversial articles or videos. That’s tough to do but I can be the better warrior that I need to be.

Another reference of compassion came from my most recent session with the Energy Healer. I realize this isn’t for everyone but she is helping me tremendously with many emotional issues. She relayed a card deck for me to consider about a mythological Chinese goddess named Kuan Yin. I need that feminine energy that I lack sometimes from other women in my life. Guess what her speciality is? Compassion… It’s also mercy, self-love, and light. I just received the deck and have done a few of the exercises. That word came thru for me in a new way. I also use crystals which is another belief system. One that I have been using for a few weeks now is Rhodonite. I have written down all the meanings and this one is all about love in its many forms. The first word though to describe it is–yep~~compassion. It’s all about balancing emotions which this girl needs daily. Hey~ I talk much about balance too so who wouldn’t love that? It helps with trauma and all of us carry internal scars. Another three count of the biography, card deck, and crystal that all connect to compassion.

We can agree to disagree on being compassionate to others who are difficult as I struggle with this often too. I actually am not close to some that I was raised with. There isn’t a rule book for any of us to follow plus that isn’t me anyway. Sounds like someone else I know… Let’s work on being more compassionate with ourselves first because it does need to start there. It may take our entire lifetime here to get it but we need to start now.

Whether or not any of you readers were compassionate with Warrior’s many decisions, just remember we are all human with the same emotions. He as the wrestler or him as his true self like those pics above. It’s just the actions that make us different. Be compassionate warriors no matter the risk. Warrior learned. I am always learning and you need to also. Turn empathy into compassionate action, your ultimate spirit will thank you…

P.S. A very HAPPY Birthday goes out to an avid reader of mine. How about that? His special day falls on my blog day AND Warrior’s did also this year. I thought I was done with milestones!!! Enjoy this day sir, you deserve it. Thank you for all YOUR compassion… πŸ’™πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³πŸ‘πŸ»

P.P.S. Another moment of compassion I had near the end of the bio was with Dana. I wanted to reach out and grab her hands as she relayed her possible regret over the girls not being with them outside the hotel before Warrior passed. I was saying to myself: “No, no, no. Don’t ever feel that way. You did the right thing. Warrior would not have wanted them there.” ~~~ I didn’t just feel her pain, my mind wanted to take action and in my own way I did…


~~~ Find me here for book info on how Warrior’s energy inspired me to tap into my own intuitive abilities with lots of short stories. You can also find it on Amazon and other retailers. I also write a more spiritual blog with various topics as well. Connect with me on some U.W. Facebook groups, Twitter, and YouTube. I just posted a video on Kuan Yin’s energy so check it out if interested! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ₯°πŸ‘πŸ“—

Warrior Birthday Quotes πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏻

“If you remember anything of me after I leave this world, remember that I loved even when it was foolish. That I cared even when it was unwanted. When my body is gone, remember my heart.”


I know this is more appropriate on his passing anniversary but it still fits…

I told you all there was ONE more date that lined up this year on my Wednesday blog day and it is Warrior’s birthday. I looked ahead a while back and now it has come. As always, I know his warrior girls and those closest to him will honor and remember in their own way. For this post, I didn’t want it all to be about his birthday so decided to use some quotes I found. A few years ago, I posted several of Warrior’s famous quotes ( in and out of character) but now it’s time to share some I believe connect to him, his beliefs, and US to always believe in ourselves. My spiritual cousin seems to send me the BEST inspiring quotes just when I need them the most. Hers all have a certain word in them. πŸ˜‰More on those in a bit…

Here’s one I posted on the U.W. Facebook page:

“If you are silent about your beliefs because you are worried someone will be offended, then your beliefs are not that important to you, but rather what people think about you is. What people see about you will speak more loudly than how people feel about you because in the end, when we stand up for what is right and true, we will have many who hate us or love us, but all will know what we are fighting for.”

~~~ T.B. LaBerge~~~

***Isn’t this Warrior? I thought of him when I first read it and am sure he’d agree. ***

These next ones were written from a woman’s perspective but you guys- feel free to sub any words of she and her with he and him. Also, you can sub queen for king. My cousin knows how to pick ‘um, that’s for sure. We are “soul sisters” and are in sync with each other. I am so grateful for her on this journey. She has been mentioned here as the widow who lost her husband young, remarried, and her boys were “real” wrestlers. Yep, that’s her. I hope you find some encouraging as I do. They brought me tears but gave me hope as well. Some of it I believe applies to Dana as she is our warrior queen. πŸ‘‘

“She’s done looking back, questioning herself and dwelling on her mistakes. She’s rising like the dawn of a new day, brighter, stronger, and more powerful than she’s ever been. She’s more than a survivor, she’s a warrior queen with a fiery spirit and a strong heart. No longer will she allow others to take advantage of her and she’s turning the page on a new chapter today. She’s casting aside the pain of her often broken heart and she’s using that anguish as fuel for her to rise stronger from the ashes. Sure, she’s afraid, doesn’t have all the answers but she knows she doesn’t have to… The flames made her the warrior she is… her voice will be heard with resounding passion and conviction.”

~~~ Brooke Hampton~~~

Here’s more from Brooke:

“You’re right, I am more than a little weird and a bit awkward. No, I don’t fit in and most people don’t understand me. But at least I’m being real and I think the world needs more people who are brave enough to be real.”

~~~ Think I posted that also to the group but besides the awkward part, that is Warrior since being authentic mattered to him. It should matter to us too.

~~~ A few more:

“I’m slowly learning that life is better lived when you don’t center it on what’s happening around you and center it on what’s happening inside you instead.”

~~~ Rania Naim~~~

~~~ Yet another:

“You see your reflection in the mirror? Don’t be hard on it. Those eyes might look tired but they have pushed through, carried on. Those lines are of years lived and problems solved. That reflection is one of a brave soul. A warrior, a champion in this world, a healer, a giver, a lover, a sweet spirit. Instead of seeing the flaws, celebrate the good. You are strong, wonderful, and more than enough.”

~~~ Chloe Bell~~~

I will end with this:

” Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”

*** Happy Birthday in parts unknown Warrior. Thank you for being that champion who never strayed from your beliefs, fought the naysayers that misunderstood you, had a brave heart, and learned to master peace near the end. I hope you celebrate in an ultimate way like only you can. I, like countless others who believed in you will always believe in myself. ~~~ 6/16/21. ~~~ Kathy

*** PHOTO CRED: Zach’s Underground Strength Gym, NJ***

P.S. While in the store last week, my total came to $16.00. The cashier said that was her first even number that day. Then, she asked what that was on my arm. I just said a tattoo. Nobody really notices my Warrior logo much anymore. She said it was cool… I didn’t put it all together until later.

It was a Wednesday when I blog Warrior writings, the total was 16, ( Warrior’s bday a week early) and her noticing my tattoo. Yes, I realize some may say it’s a “stretch” but not for me. I usually do get something around his bday and that was it. πŸ’™A three count too!

~~~ One more thing:

Steve Wilton ( Warrior’s former business manager) just appeared recently on “The Caiman Show” and discussed his relationship with Warrior, the HOF, his return to WWE, and more. Feel free to check it out here:


~~~ Find his channel and subscribe!

~~~ Find me also here:


*** Book info on Warrior, a more spiritual blog, reviews, and other goodies! I am also on twitter and some U.W. Facebook groups (:

The Warrior Biography…

Well, here we go warriors. I decided to give my views on WWE’s A &E biography about the Ultimate Warrior. There were so many comments on several social media sites including a few groups I belong to. I have a feeling they will go on for a while.., This Thurs., the VICE network is airing “Becoming Warrior” as part of their “Dark Side of the Ring” Series. Am sure that will be highly negative from previews I have seen so we’ll find out. I’ll let you know if I watch. 😬

To begin with, I wasn’t that emotional at all although did have some moments the next day when it hit me more. *** SPOILER ALERT*** here for anyone not having viewed it yet. My husband was in the room, headphones on and watching another show on his tablet. He knew enough for him but still is kinda clueless. He asked if Indy ( Warrior’s oldest daughter) was his wife and if Sting was him! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈThat’s ok, he made me laugh. I did have to turn away from parts like the casket and snake stuff. Still don’t want to look at that. Also, had to turn away from his last RAW speech. Too emotional for me always.

I do like learning new info so loved seeing his Mom talk about him even though there were tough times. Very glad also to see Coach Pate from Warrior’s High School and an old friend of his too. I loved that. Those people genuinely cared about “Jim” as he cared about them.

So many things I would’ve liked to see that weren’t mentioned at all. How about WMVII? No clips of that in Randy’s bio either, hmmm… why not? That Career Ending Retirement match stole the Heavyweight match’s thunder. Maybe that’s why. Also, no WCW run albeit a short one and I know Warrior disliked that time but still part of his career. I was thinking also Triple H might’ve spoken about WMXII ( which could’ve been negative) BUT he was instrumental in bringing Warrior back and into the HOF. Yeah, where was that? Warrior DID have friends in the business( I can list plenty!) – aww- thanks Shane McMahon and WAS (still is as a Spirit) funny! Maybe that could’ve softened the “loner” factor or drug angle some. True fans would love that aspect besides the family love of Dana and the girls. His later life of art and motivational ( not political) speeches were great also but I realize two hours is way too short!

Most were discussing the “apology video” which I had heard about as well. That boy in the airport has been talked about for a while now. I found out he was the kid of a big head honcho at the network of syndication which was a huge deal. Bret Hart has even mentioned this ugh… Well, all of them were under tremendous pressure, overworked, or exhausted and probably didn’t always want to talk to fans- even little ones. Warrior didn’t like being approached and they knew this already.

I realize it’s “business” but perhaps another idea could’ve worked better. If that exec wanted a “video apology” maybe a compromise? Record it privately, send it to him, and give some autograph pics. Maybe even meet face to face. That just made Warrior more frustrated. Yes, the business stuff was difficult for Warrior but another solution probably could’ve worked that would be in agreement with all. Maybe not but that’s just my take.

Another aspect is the different drugs which some might have been familiar with that Warrior took besides steroids. Others may have taken them too for anxiety, depression, pain, etc. Was he diagnosed with anxiety or depression? I don’t know but that lifestyle was so different to maintain along with your sanity. Nowadays, they have counselors to help with this but back then, not so much.

When you are performing at that level, much is expected of you professionally and you have to always be your best. Physically, emotionally, mentally- it all matters. Who are we to judge? Of course I wish he didn’t have to go thru that but it humanizes him. How would we react to that situation of fame? Demons from our past will always be there. We need to work thru them to heal and unless we do, they will manifest in ugly ways. I am grateful for his sacrifices and have compassion for anyone struggling.

The last thing I will mention is his UCONN speech of 2005 about the gay population. It was relieving to hear Dana say how he did feel bad about the statement. We all have said or done things we cannot take back or get into a heated argument with another. His comments started a huge debate that still rages with internet trolling today. I personally believe he could’ve worded it better based on his own beliefs but he always said what he thought. I also personally believe one comment should not define someone. Yes, Warrior said many things over the years but this one is so memorable. Again, we can say our opinions as that is our right. Agree or not, it shouldn’t make one call another such foul language that isn’t even human. Some had said such vile things about Warrior and this topic. I’m not defending his statement but just having respect for an opinion. Move on. Our lives deserve better attention than comments made.

O.K., whew… That was enough. A side note here is this: many wrestlers probably suffered from PTSD with having been on the road and then coming home. Their character becomes such a part of them which can be quite challenging. Portraying that character for a duration would put stress on anyone trying to be different at home. Again, just my thoughts here…

I did enjoy the biography but still believe more HAPPY could’ve been in it. It took Warrior a long time to get there but he finally did. He shouldn’t have felt like he had to prove his happiness later on but he always did. He also shouldn’t have watched the “Self-Destruction” DVD and perhaps I shouldn’t watch “Becoming Warrior” either… If I do, I won’t let it destroy me. The Warrior in me loves the Warrior in him and that is nor will it ever be destroyed…

P.S. This was REALLY hard for me to write as I have never addressed some of these topics. I won’t anymore. The bio was a long time coming and for me, it’s been a year and a half since my “Wild Warrior Buffalo Dream” which connects to this. Onto other posts!


~Check out my website for book info, a more spiritual blog, and more.

~ I am also on Facebook,( a few U.W. groups) Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. ~~~ I just posted some NEW videos to my channel like “The Aura of Dreams” AND a video about the U.W. Bio! πŸ’™πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Dreaming of a Time…πŸ˜΄πŸ’•

Another first warriors. I never wanted to do this but felt it necessary considering my subject for today. Never, ever, ever have I used a photo with Dana and didn’t really want to. My intention wasn’t to put her face or the girls on this blog and I still held back just a little. This pic is perfect since it shows she and Warrior waiting on baby Indiana’s arrival. I had other ideas but this one fits. Dana is on this blog for once. Here’s the reason…

Several months ago, I had the second dream about Dana and me. The only other one is in my book Spirit and Belief all about a class she taught on Warrior’s beliefs that I attended. She has been in a few other dreams too but besides these, all involved Warrior. This one like the class did not. I’m not some kind of freak or anything, dreams just happen as regular readers know. My cousin and I just finished our “Aura of Dreams” video which has been many months coming. I’ll send that out as a P.S. for any interested in such a broad topic. I mention my book and of course Warrior too! So, only fitting that I share this dream today.

It took place at a high school many years ago. Dana and I were classmates together. Well, we are the same age so there ya go! I can picture her hair braided down the sides as she had done in photos a few years ago. We weren’t totally close friends but more like acquaintances who knew of each other. We were in Phys. Ed. or Gym class together and she did get into fitness later on in her life. I can see our blue gym uniforms too. I HAD to talk to her but could never get close enough. What I had to say was so very important, she just must hear it!

Here’s where it gets a little “different” for all you skeptics. The reason I needed to get close to her was because I knew a piece of her future. How do you tell a classmate that you know she’s gonna marry a guy who is famous as a pro- wrestler? Yep, I KNEW that in this dream. Um, that would sound nuts, don’t ya think? I tried following her but didn’t want her close friends to think I was a stalker girl! 😬Even though I knew this news sounded so cool, she’d just laugh in my face or who knows what else? So I thought.,,

I do have a little bit of premonition with my spiritual gifts but it just seems to come out in some Warrior stuff. “The Ninja Turtle Warrior Dream” is also in my book and blogged years ago. I can’t possibly forget “The Basketball Premonition” about my NBA Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors. A third premonition involved the “Wild Warrior Buffalo Dream” since you know there had to be a three count! ***That connects to the documentary on Warrior coming up THIS Sunday, May 23rd from 8-10 p.m. on the A&E network.

It’s a rarity I tell ya but to have this dream about Dana was amazing or should I say ultimate! I don’t believe I ever told her but in the dream I was my teenage self following the Ultimate Warrior thru the T.V. like in real life. She didn’t even follow wrestling then and wouldn’t know who he was. If she did, maybe then she’d react differently. I guess it would depend on if she “liked” him or not. Teenage girls, such emotion.

I hadn’t remembered much after a few times of following her around secretly in our high school. I must’ve woken up then. I never felt bad about it much either as it was exciting on my end. Maybe the message was to embrace this gift of mine and not fear it. I do after all have others that come out and Warrior has ultimately helped along the way. Maybe he helped “write” this dream? I don’t fully know but perhaps someday I will…

Us fans know of course she did marry that pro- wrestler many years later and they had a great life together with their beautiful girls. I never got other details besides her just marrying him as an adult but it was gifted to me as a teen in this dream. I was either out west or she was out my way. That wasn’t even part of it at all. I wonder how people who do have much premonition in their lives really feel about it? It’s not like the 2007 Sandra Bullock movie with me but for some, it could be. I get good stuff and I hope it stays that way.

Whatever gifts you have whether spiritual or not, share them in a way that works. Don’t keep them hidden as we need like minded people to open up with. I share to educate but hopefully not to intimidate. Warrior’s passing brought my gifts out more fully although some I did have for years but just felt unaware. Our journeys are different and we must face it all because warriors fight on.

I loved being in that dream with Dana despite never telling her the future news. No, I can’t predict anyone’s future and don’t want to. Maybe she and I have a connection also as I’d be honored if we do. ❀️Let’s just say I don’t want to go back to high school! I have my own kids there now but memories will always remain— even with the future “Mrs. Warrior.” πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯°

P.S. Don’t forget fans- the A&E documentary on Warrior airs THIS Sunday, May 23rd from 8-10 p.m. … This might be my next blog post subject! πŸ€”πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

P.P.S. Here is the video link for : “The Aura of Dreams.”


*** We discuss Dreams, reincarnation, the afterlife, my book, Warrior ( of course!) and many other topics! 39:57 in length.

~~~ Find me also here:


~~ My website has book info, a more spiritual blog, reviews, and more! Find me also on Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest (:

All The Likes #30 πŸ’™πŸ’™

We have made it to yet another DATE of a milestone. WrestleMania VII was 30 years ago TODAY which is blog day for me. Another one is coming next week, who can guess? πŸ€”For today, it’s those two above that I have all the likes for. I’ve done enough posts on them together but of course had to celebrate their WrestleMania as friends. They also had all the likes and respect for one another and I know with their energy, they still do…

I decided to get back with a more easy going topic and it’s been in my head a while now. These silly things made me go back and forth with sharing but as many know, ideas come running just like the Ultimate Warrior himself! WMVII was the ONLY time he never ran to the ring, hmmm… This one is about a few of the “likes” Warrior and I both have but not exactly similar to past posts. I’ve mentioned libraries or books, a movie, (The Lion King) music or songs,(think the band Firehouse) climate, geography, and even our beliefs. Now, it’s time for food.

Yes, we all probably remember how disciplined Warrior was with eating but a few items stand out for me. Fans will recall he and Steve Borden (Sting) eating tuna out of a can and then Warrior continued that years later. I did post about a missing tuna can once and have eaten it out of a can as well. It does have a bit of a kick that’s for sure! 😳🐟

I have fond childhood memories of my mom making tuna fish sandwiches or tuna on toast and even on saltines. Always loved it. Maybe you do too but I still love it today. It just makes me smile thinking of Warrior. I know he ate it for different reasons and yes- it is good for you, minus the mayo and extras! All the likes here too.

Another “foodie” is coffee ice cream. I can’t have either of those right now because of my “tummy issues” but here’s my fun connector with Warrior. Way back, Dana had mentioned Warrior’s like of coffee ice cream. Very rarely did he indulge but it made me think of a story that happened almost 19 years ago. I had always wanted to try it but knew I’d be up all night since coffee affects me. It is not a morning treat for me together. My husband and I were on our honeymoon in the Poconos of PA which I have also mentioned before too. If I could attach another pic here, I would. He took a photo of me standing on top of Mt. Pocono holding my coffee ice cream cone. So, in case any are wondering- nope, didn’t sleep much that night considering I had this yumminess later in the day. All the likes though yet again.

The last food reference ( ya know there had to be a 3 count!) would be chocolate almonds. I have always loved nuts but another no-no for me right now, ugh! Dana had shared more little insights into Warrior likes and this was one of them. I think she talked about when they’d all go to the movies and chocolate almonds were his choice. Am sure again it was a rare experience but enough for me to keep in my brain. One day shortly after knowing that, my husband brought home a bag and set it on our kitchen counter. I gasped thinking how I just found out about chocolate almonds and Warrior. He says to me: “We never had these before and I thought you’d like them.” I just stared at the bag and chuckled. All the likes one more time.

You may be thinking that I copied or emulated Warrior but I assure you that is not nor will it ever be the case with me. Another post was written about not doing things because someone else does them or likes them. This is just me being me. I will admit thought how it is very different when a celebrity likes or liked something you do and how it makes one feel. It’s not the same as when let’s say you and your aunt both like olives on pizza. Your reaction is not going to be anything close to the reaction with a famous person.

You also may have these food stories or others I’ve mentioned similar to Warrior. Many of you will also have tons more to add with my list. I just shared to give everyone a good laugh and to remind how we are just people deep down with all the likes. I don’t go searching for connectors but like to know we had stuff in common. Fans do that in their own way, including me. You may agree or think I’m “nuts” ( pun intended!) but ah well, these are my writings after all!!!

I will always have all the likes for those two Superstars together and not just with their WMVII match. I will also have all the likes with Warrior that are forever in my memory. You will have yours too. Just laugh about them and know we are all connected in many ways. HAPPY 30th WMVII!!!!!!! 3/24/91.

P.S. I wonder if there were any foods Randy really liked? I have heard how he drank LOTS of coffee! πŸ˜‚β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ


*** Check out my website for book info on you know who or find it on Amazon. It explores my spiritual connection with Warrior and many fun yet interesting stories! Also, my other blog above is more in depth with spiritual topics if that interests you. (:

*** Find me also on Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

My Ultimate Ladybug Story… πŸžπŸž

***First off , the Ultimate Warrior website is BACK! I just noticed it the other day when looking something else up! www.ultimatewarrior.com *** Of course the recent news is the A&E documentary plus another one coming up too, very exciting! Check it out fans!!

Now, onto today’s post…

If you’re looking for a big wrestling connection this week, you won’t find it here today. I wrote a similar post last week on Spirit and Belief but thought it fit with warrior writings as well. They are after all a great tag team! It may not directly get “roped” into Warrior but there is a slight connection. Let me begin.

A few weeks ago, my son found a tiny ladybug crawling on the threshold of his bedroom door out in the hallway. My almost 17 year old called to show me, I was so touched. He seemed fascinated just like he did as a kid. It crawled on his finger and then he let it go. This man child always loved bugs, worms, and frogs. He would watch them for what seemed like hours. His sister on the other hand smashed the ant hills, broke apart the worms, and scared away the baby frogs her brother noticed in the mud at the park.

That of course was when they both were such littles but some aspects of our personalities never change. I love his observations but her curiosity got piqued too. Warrior was like that with observing and then acting. We watch, wait, and then see what happens before taking action. The results may be different but the process involves the same steps.

How many of you enjoyed watching those animals when you were younger and maybe still do? I bet there are those who are smashers too! I’m not talking about ending little lives here but most of us are guilty of acting out of the “norm” in some way. I know somebody else who was not a “normal” either. He’s ⬆️. We may not be observers all the time but for me, I’ll always be first to watch.

That takes us to the rest of this story. Did ya think it was just the beginning with that cute ‘lil ladybug? Nope- there’s more. The next night after getting warmed up in bed for a bit, off came my socks. I usually start with them on and then place both nearby if needing warmth again later. Can’t sleep with cold feet! πŸ₯ΆI put them behind my pillow so that’s where they stayed until morning.

While making the bed the next A.M., I saw what appeared as a fuzzy from one of my socks. Good thing I didn’t brush it away as it was our friend Miss Ladybug! Well, I like to think it was the same one anyway. Could it possibly have been that exact ladybug from my son’s doorway? She was still alive as I allowed her to crawl on my arm while pondering just a bit. It was then I remembered Dana referring to Indy as having the name “ladybug” by she and Warrior when being a little girl. Indiana is their older daughter for those unaware. Dana once told a story of when Indy was getting ready to move to California her senior year of high school. It’s been a few years now. She was planning on staying with a host family to train as a ballerina 🩰, I do hope she has succeeded! Indy, her mom, and younger sister Mattie were all saying goodbye in their driveway when a ladybug landed on Indy’s arm. Dana says: “Daddy is here with us.” Of course he was as Indy is their little ladybug. I believe, they believed, I hope you do too.

Do I think Warrior sent that ladybug to our house? Who knows and I wouldn’t want to “steal” his sign to Indy. That ladybug made its way from my son’s room, thru the hallway, and into my closed bedroom door. Then, she landed on my pillow. Was she there all night? I’ll never fully know. Ladybugs aren’t just lucky but they represent happiness, love, metamorphosis, ( me and Indy!) divine intervention, and many other qualities. With all that’s been going on concerning my physical health lately, I was overwhelmed by this beautiful visitor.

Sure, winged creatures are signs and most may know about my many bird adventures or a πŸ¦‹ story. I even had those tenacious toads. All except the butterfly are told in my book Spirit and Belief. Once in a while, new signs come our way and it’s up to us to fully believe or not. I choose to ultimately believe and know I am guided always. Once I placed the ladybug on my dresser and left it alone, I never saw her again. I sure hope the cat didn’t get involved but I like to believe she came for a reason and went on her way.

Indy was Warrior and Dana’s little ladybug but my son and I got our very own which led to this story. Whatever your signs are, let intuition lead to believe, trust, and know it is for you. Even if our ladybug wasn’t connected to Warrior, the Universe is there in ways we may not always understand. It is the journey like Warrior said and what a journey my ladybug made just to get me to notice.

She may not have been the same one but to me, she was. That ladybug flew to our house in the winter when they are not around much. I thank her for showing me her sign of ultimate love! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’–

P.S. Just got word of this: Pro Wrestling Defined YouTube channel just released a new video with Steve Wilton (Warrior’s former business manager.) He discusses a few other guys he has worked with but mostly all Warrior stuff. Much about the last few days before he passed, WM30 weekend. Time is 1:18:36.


*** Check it out!

www.spiritandbelief.com~~~ here’s my site for a more spiritual blog, book info, book reviews, and more! Find me also on Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest (:

The official website of WWE Hall of Famer the Ultimate Warrior

The official website of WWE Hall of Famer the Ultimate Warrior and the Warrior Family.
β€” Read on www.ultimatewarrior.com/

*** Had to post today to let fans know the website is BACK! I just noticed today. The NEWS is of course WWE partnering with A&E on wrestling documentaries that will be an 8 part series! The Ultimate Warrior is one of them and I so hope I am still part of it in some capacity. 🀞🏻

*** Regular post Wednesday but will mention the website again as that’s what I do (: So happy to see it all back for others to enjoy. The documentaries are starting mid-April so be sure and check it out soon! Enjoy and I’ll be here in a few days!!!

Always believe,

Kathy πŸ’œπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ»