“Fear is an Aberration!”

“Fear, fear is an aberration.

Fear is the air that cowards breathe.

Fear is the first taste of defeat.

The Warrior only breathes the air of the brave and the Warrior only feasts on the fruit of VICTORY!”

~~~ The Ultimate Warrior

~~~11/25/89 (before his SNME match against Andre the Giant)

Such powerful words as always from the Ultimate Warrior and I have made this part of my meditation everyday. Maybe that sounds crazy to some but us warriors have a little bit of crazy in us for sure! 😜 Are you fearful or fearless? I used to say it depended on the situation but now I choose the latter.

The most important thing to remember with the word FEAR is that it has no power over you. Also, do not compare yourself to others as I always did. I used to think nobody would believe my “fearful” situations but just chalk them up as silly. Everyone else’s were much more important or dramatic than mine.

That was an incredibly tough mindset to get out of. So very tough. Our past really does affect our future whether we believe that or not. Even though some of my life stories weren’t as drama filled as others, I don’t shy away from them now and in fact I defend them. They make us who we are and form us into the people we become. Not everyone is a “risk-taker” or outgoing but that doesn’t mean you are fearful.

Sometimes, we hit our stride later but everything is in perfect timing. I always did stuff that wasn’t with the “norm” (like Warrior in a way) but was it considered fearless? Probably not. That used to bother me SO much but now, not at all. People’s definitions of some words are never the same and they place labels or their own experiences over everything. Comparing can become such a nasty habit and some people never outgrow it. Don’t be one of those people and I hope as warriors, you are not.

Warrior’s passing has brought me into the most fearless I have ever been. My humility makes this so hard to write but it is very true. There are things I never even dreamed or imagined doing and did fear dominate? NO! Well, I must admit in the beginning it did just a little. I’ve evolved so much since then. I look at Dana and just marvel at her accomplishments. To think she describes herself as introverted shocks me. I know she also never imagined this life without Warrior. She is fearless in her own right but he would’ve wanted that for her.

I am also certain people I know could never have guessed how my life would change with his passing. I have a few other opportunities on the horizon and can’t wait to share more details soon! Be your OWN fearless warrior with whatever projects are in the works for you. Keep those dreams active and abolish fear.

What is holding you back? Let me guess… Judgments, resources, time, finances, unworthiness, laziness, losing your “comfort zone,” and am predicting others. I definitely have had some of this on my journey. Listen to that intuition like I have said before but life is always a balancing act. Head versus heart every single day. Who wins? Such a hard one depending on your circumstance. We should follow the “do what feels good or right for you” saying but not at the expense of becoming penniless or a victim. Did Warrior listen to fear or follow his intuition? I think we all know that answer as we must do the same.

Think of all the areas in your life where fear dominates. Possibly try narrowing down that list and conquer a few. I can say to dive right in but realistically some cannot. Literally speaking, I never did learn how to dive! LOL!!

Be able to look back on your life and say how fearless you were or how you evolved. You will never regret kicking fear to the curb or pinning it to the mat. Replace fear with a victorious NEW word of fearlessness. Learn it. Know it. OWN it. Always believe it. You can also make fear an aberration. Warrior did. Dana did. I am and you can too. 💖💪🏻👍

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~~~You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Don’t forgot the website gives you details on my book and a Work with Me page too!

Author: Kathy Pickett

I'm a wife, mom of 2 and have always been a huge fan of WWE’s the Ultimate Warrior despite his passing. I created this blog to share my stories relating to him that happened years ago and some are continuing today with his Spirit alive and well! I hope some fans out there relate and enjoy my blog!!! Check out my book “Spirit and Belief” on how Warrior influenced me in spirit. It is filled with humor, family stories, psychic terms, following my intuition, and how everyone has natural abilities we can tap into or get guidance upon.

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