A+ for Acting 👏🏻💯

I’ve mentioned many aspects in Warrior’s life that mirror mine such as writing, ( of course!) speaking, and reading so now we have acting. We all are actors everyday really just playing our roles in life where very few get to know the real us. You don’t need to be famous to be a performer. Awards are given to those that excel at the highest level of acting and even teachers give out those A+’s for well deserved work. I never did much acting or performing in school but one story does come to mind.

I was in 8th grade and as part of the new junior high program, 7th and 8th graders could chose a “special” class. I chose Drama. It really wasn’t my thing but the teacher in charge was a favorite of mine. I did rule out other choices but hey– we always need to stretch our comfort zones! My 1st role was as Mrs. Bucket who is Charlie’s Mom in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” That is one of my favorite childhood movies although Johnny Depp’s version isn’t bad. Who doesn’t love the Oompa Loompa’s?

I only had a few lines and forgot one… The boy who was Charlie covered for me in front of the whole school so thanks is given to that young man! Well, that was about it for me although other similar opportunities ensued.

During my junior and senior years of high school choir, we had to dance along with sing. NOT what I signed up for at all! The audience loved our performances and within a few years, they had a show choir. I earned that A+ for acting but the singing of course is more me. One of the Holiday concerts was performing “Hallelujah Chorus.” If you are familiar with this entire song, there are lots of parts– LOTS. We received a standing ovation which was truly heart warming. Another A+. BTW– that was my senior year, another favorite of course in April 1990! 💙

Many years later as a preschool teacher, I loved using puppets to perform for the kids. This too became another one of my favorite activities and little ones love puppet antics. Some of the more introverted ones talk to a puppet more than anyone else. I loved the idea of hiding behind a wall or mat as kids didn’t even notice a missing teacher. Such great fun and that A+ for acting came very easy to me. Sure, kids are entertained but puppet performing necessarily isn’t for everyone.

This takes me to you warriors. Have you ever earned an A+ for acting? I gotta say– those WWE performers definitely deserve high letters for all the acting they do. It can be anyone you watch whether on T.V., the movies, the stage, or entertainment of various kinds. Can you give any performer of your choice an A+ for their acting? I bet you can if they are convincing enough and affect you. You know my choice of always is the Ultimate Warrior. Sometimes, it can even be you that convinces someone else.

Once the performance or event is over, the paint peels off, the gear put away, or the mask taken down, have they or you earned that A+ for acting? Guess that depends on the feelings. Remember, it’s always about those emotions we all tend to ignore or hide behind.

Just make sure your A+ is given for the right reasons. This means you CARE or you wouldn’t be watching, listening, or performing at all. I certainly didn’t deserve an A+ for my Mrs. Bucket performance but my heart earned it for trying. I always wished teachers gave those A+’s for effort in school but just like with some performers, we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. Warrior would earn those A+’s from me for all the effort he put into his character. Naysayers– yes. Effort– always. Some will never know the effort behind those A+’s but you will deep down.

Maybe we don’t need those marks in order to fully be us. You can decide that for yourself. Just do the best or go with your interests and you’ll have some performances in life beyond your imagination. Some good and some bad but that’s how we need it to be. Look back on all your experiences and then make some new ones. Perhaps you’ll get that A+ but if not, remember we are all actors performing on this life stage everyday… 👍🎬🎟


Morning warriors or Night owls ☀️🦉

Do you remember my city/country post of a few months ago warriors? Well, today’s story is kinda like that one only with times of day instead of places to live. Which do you prefer– the morning warrior or night owl? I’m actually neither since most of my energy is spent in the afternoon. If I had to choose, it would be the morning. I was never a night owl. Guess who was though? You know who I’m talking about– Warrior.

I have referenced this a little before with being a WWE performer and superstar. Sleep would be hard to come by what with all the adrenaline. I know I’d be the same way if I did what they did and do! Downtime is required in order for me to prepare for dreamland… If I don’t get comfy before bed with my routine, falling asleep becomes quite the challenge. Warrior confesses on The Ultimate Collection DVD to surviving on 3 hours of sleep and calling it “neat.” Um, NO– not for me! This post is one of the fews where we are not in agreement upon. Once your body gets used to a routine or practice, it does become hard to change even out of a profession. I’d barely make it for Saturday Night’s Main Event sometimes and I was younger then!

When I was a young child, napping just wasn’t for me. I was good and stayed quiet but not many times of actual sleeping. Kiddos need that rest but it wasn’t happening for me. Now, it’s a little easier with a busier lifestyle and some cold wintery weekends. I was told that I have more energy than ever realized. 😬 That does explain why my brain and body need to work together to achieve rest. Like I always say, we need the balance and that is true with activity and sleep too. 😴

My workout is the afternoon as my husband’s is in the morning. I have done some fitness in the evening but gotta tell ya– it doesn’t work for me. If it’s getting close to 8 p.m., I am way too wired and already know sleep will be difficult that night.

There are some who workout at midnight or so like Triple HHH and Stephanie McMahon. Often, that’s the time that works with hectic busy families. If I had to do that, I would but sleep would have to factor in as well. Sure, sometimes I have a few sleepless nights but it isn’t a constant. I do know that my workout and fitness are a priority so it would get done in some way. Maybe just yoga. Maybe just cardio but probably not all if my schedule was different. I’d rather start at 5:00 A.M. and crash earlier at night instead of trying to find the energy at midnight!

How does this work for you warriors? It doesn’t have to apply to fitness but anything else. I also will never be one of those late night shoppers either. Ya know, the Wal-Mart types. If you are, that’s fine but it isn’t me. Guess I’m not the all-nighter kind of gal. I wanted to watch T.V. and school wasn’t like that for me anyways.

Many activities I prefer doing in the morning versus night like errands or chores. We all do what works for us and some can’t switch their schedule around. I like relaxing more in the evening or doing family stuff minus homework. 😳Our schedules can be so opposite of others but we shouldn’t judge since everyone is different. I love the idea of starting the day with a workout since your energy will get peaked. At the end of a day, my tiredness creeps in and it’s more difficult. If you have some motivation, even better.

Being up all night can have advantages too since most could be sleeping or some even work night shifts. You’d have no distractions at home or very little but will have to be quiet. You can get your own space like Warrior had which worked well out in his barn gym. When we are alone, we can mentally prepare better for whatever tasks lay ahead of us. Knowing myself, I’d probably fall asleep at 7 p.m. being up all night…

So, morning warriors or night owls? Whichever is your thing, just make it work in your life. Do the work of your life as Warrior said. Make your time count because it truly does. 👏🏻😉😊


P.S. Last month on Friday, Dec. 13th, we had an owl in our backyard tree! It was so cool seeing this “night owl”! ~~ It was also a full moon!! 🌑

***P.P.S. The card deck above I have mentioned before. It’s the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. ***

The Telling of Titles

Do you have a title alongside your name? It seems that we all do with regards to Mr., Ms. or anything similar. How about all those professional titles or degrees we acquire over the years? We work our way up the “corporate ladder” from an assistant to possibly president of a company someday. Does that mean everything to you in business? Or, could you take it and leave it?

In the WWE or other related forms of sports entertainment, the titles and belts MEAN something. It’s what you attain for at the top of your game. The WWE currently has 18 title championships. 18! I had to look that up what with the many brands in the business nowadays. Back when I watched, there were only a few titles and each show didn’t have their own division with belts. Are those titles important for you to see around your favorite’s waist? A title doesn’t mean you are better off for having one. You may have earned it but is it ALL of you?

Fame, money, recognition and all that go hand in hand but it also depends on your version of that success. Warrior was very different with not wanting a belt to prove his worth to fans. He even said: “I don’t need a belt… I don’t need it.” That was outrageous for an athlete to even utter those words. He did after all win those titles but didn’t necessarily want that to be the primary focus of his character.

It can and does mean so much more to others in different ways. How about you? Sure, we need success for our livelihood but is being at the top always the end goal? Hmmm… One to think about for sure. Even if you are “the boss,” you have to ask yourself why you wanted that title in the first place. Some may want it to prove they can get it (like WWE performers) but others may want it for power or to be liked. If you aren’t liked as a boss or champion, many could be jealous of your position. Maybe you aren’t a good boss or champ anyway.

The “claim to fame” has both positives and negatives as does working towards that elusive title. Am sure you fans would still follow your favorites with or without a title, belt, or “strap” as Warrior called it. I know I did. Of course, I loved when U.W. proved his worth by obtaining a belt but it was never just that with me. Ever. My emotions were better when he didn’t have one as I’ve said before.

Back in the day, very few performers had the chance of winning a championship title. Such a challenge with competition between those selected. Now, it’s almost the entire roster of talent that is able to vie for a title. Is this better or worse? It all depends on how you look at it but again, we all evolve.

When you are able to look back on something– what is it you remember most? Career goals will differ from personal ones but those titles may creep in. You should be proud of professional success however, don’t forget to let the REAL you shine. ✨

I have seen many twitter bios on some profile pages of former wrestlers. Not that I’m looking but we have followers in common. Some mention their pro career, some list their life now, and some use both. My page is mostly professional since that is why I use twitter. Other social media is more personal with family life. I happen to love those guys who list the NOW more. You can have your own opinion, this is just mine.

Is it that important to list you being a champ 11, 12, or more times? Maybe it is for them but true fans are loyal despite that number. My memories of any Superstar back then never just revolved around winning a title or even how many times. The titles do matter, don’t misunderstand here and of course famous people’s bios will differ from us regular folks.

Warrior’s greatest contributions that he was MOST proud of are his daughters. I totally agree. One’s personal life should always come before one’s professional life. However that looks for you– believe in the personal titles. They hold much more meaning than any “strap” ever will. 💖

P.S. I didn’t have Twitter before Warrior passed so no idea what his bio was. I can guess though!

P.P.S. I value my personal titles more than pro ones I accomplished. On that, Warrior and I agree- yet again.,,

** Here are some of mine to get you started on your own:

~~~Wife, Mother, yogi, blogger, speaker, gardener, cook, singer, swimmer, cyclist, etc… All personal. Not professional.


“Fear is an Aberration!”

“Fear, fear is an aberration.

Fear is the air that cowards breathe.

Fear is the first taste of defeat.

The Warrior only breathes the air of the brave and the Warrior only feasts on the fruit of VICTORY!”

~~~ The Ultimate Warrior

~~~11/25/89 (before his SNME match against Andre the Giant)

Such powerful words as always from the Ultimate Warrior and I have made this part of my meditation everyday. Maybe that sounds crazy to some but us warriors have a little bit of crazy in us for sure! 😜 Are you fearful or fearless? I used to say it depended on the situation but now I choose the latter.

The most important thing to remember with the word FEAR is that it has no power over you. Also, do not compare yourself to others as I always did. I used to think nobody would believe my “fearful” situations but just chalk them up as silly. Everyone else’s were much more important or dramatic than mine.

That was an incredibly tough mindset to get out of. So very tough. Our past really does affect our future whether we believe that or not. Even though some of my life stories weren’t as drama filled as others, I don’t shy away from them now and in fact I defend them. They make us who we are and form us into the people we become. Not everyone is a “risk-taker” or outgoing but that doesn’t mean you are fearful.

Sometimes, we hit our stride later but everything is in perfect timing. I always did stuff that wasn’t with the “norm” (like Warrior in a way) but was it considered fearless? Probably not. That used to bother me SO much but now, not at all. People’s definitions of some words are never the same and they place labels or their own experiences over everything. Comparing can become such a nasty habit and some people never outgrow it. Don’t be one of those people and I hope as warriors, you are not.

Warrior’s passing has brought me into the most fearless I have ever been. My humility makes this so hard to write but it is very true. There are things I never even dreamed or imagined doing and did fear dominate? NO! Well, I must admit in the beginning it did just a little. I’ve evolved so much since then. I look at Dana and just marvel at her accomplishments. To think she describes herself as introverted shocks me. I know she also never imagined this life without Warrior. She is fearless in her own right but he would’ve wanted that for her.

I am also certain people I know could never have guessed how my life would change with his passing. I have a few other opportunities on the horizon and can’t wait to share more details soon! Be your OWN fearless warrior with whatever projects are in the works for you. Keep those dreams active and abolish fear.

What is holding you back? Let me guess… Judgments, resources, time, finances, unworthiness, laziness, losing your “comfort zone,” and am predicting others. I definitely have had some of this on my journey. Listen to that intuition like I have said before but life is always a balancing act. Head versus heart every single day. Who wins? Such a hard one depending on your circumstance. We should follow the “do what feels good or right for you” saying but not at the expense of becoming penniless or a victim. Did Warrior listen to fear or follow his intuition? I think we all know that answer as we must do the same.

Think of all the areas in your life where fear dominates. Possibly try narrowing down that list and conquer a few. I can say to dive right in but realistically some cannot. Literally speaking, I never did learn how to dive! LOL!!

Be able to look back on your life and say how fearless you were or how you evolved. You will never regret kicking fear to the curb or pinning it to the mat. Replace fear with a victorious NEW word of fearlessness. Learn it. Know it. OWN it. Always believe it. You can also make fear an aberration. Warrior did. Dana did. I am and you can too. 💖💪🏻👍

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~~~You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Don’t forgot the website gives you details on my book and a Work with Me page too!