Warrior Winter Weather ❄️

Yep, it’s THAT kind of weather here in Ohio as snow covers my bright green grass. It is melting though! Last week was quite yucky as no school for kiddos for a few days plus bitter, arctic COLD… 🥶 Anyone reading in a warm climate now? Oh, how I envy you. Stirring at this blank, white paper matches the color outside as my mind freezes up too. I was stumped for what to write as once again, no notes! While mentioning this to my daughter in the room, she said to write about the snow. Isn’t that cute? Not really as I tried to explain to her how I like to connect these posts with well~~~ you all know who but I never finished that statement and she thought I meant our family. Little does she know they are the topic at times 🤭 but that man ⬇️ has to be “roped” or tied in. Notice his one left arm tie says “Dingo” although the D is hidden. I guess he still wore those later on.

So, besides this winter weather equating what Warrior had in Indiana growing up, not similar unless you count in his brief time in NY. He moved to warmer states as I would love to someday. Maybe even some of you readers are having summer now instead of winter based, on where you live., Ah, the outdoors… Being inside much more of the time requires a very different attitude to get out of the gray doldrums. It is extremely hard at times as I suffer from a certain seasonal disorder. Yes, it’s a real thing. We do have a sauna and even though I set it to 130°, I still sweat very little. See I’d fit right in with a warmer climate, but not over 100° every day 🥵. I remember when telling that to my PT and he joked saying how I must be cold blooded! 😜

What are some indoor activities you all enjoy when not able to be outside much? I’m not talking about chores or errands we all must do but what leisure hobbies or interests are given more time being inside? I have my work out and yoga but lately I’ve tried to challenge myself more with different YouTube videos and ab work. I even have attended yoga at a studio once a month for a year now. I will go on occasion, but not that often. It’s been a great goal. Of course, I have my writing or journaling and I totally forgot a high school friend I used to write letters to. 📃 Found those also in the attic memories. I remember writing to my cousin, but not as many years with a friend. Gosh, those letters went on more than I thought. I also have my meditation, but some new ones caught my eye as some got sent in my direction. Yes, I do those daily but I vary the methods.

How about creating some new recipes or eating healthier? Usually folks try that more in the summer but we need to “gear” up for swimsuit season now, right? With all this cold weather, I’ve been known to take more naps. Guess I need them but really I just wanted to snuggle under covers. Then, the dozing starts😴 when I least expect it to. During the bitter FRIGID spell, I crawled under my bedroom comforter late afternoon before starting dinner several days ago. I was in between drifting and being lucid when hearing this message: “the heart is the center of emotion.” Wow… This I do know of course but what a beautiful thought to be reminded of on that cold day. I’ll have to jot it down in my journal. No images but just a voice guiding my anxiety. ❤️

Another issue here is one that connects to this post. Sometimes in spite of the outside external world and perhaps snowy winter weather, I dislike~~~ not everything has to be thought out or planned. I do try to release that every day in meditation as sometimes the overthinking takes over. So, possibly today’s writings are just that. No BIG idea or huge connector. Some days, there isn’t news but just me and what is. Maybe we all need to be that way from time to time. There will always be those situations when we do need to plan or schedule, especially with kids but even those events can get snowballed. 

Well warriors, we can’t control what the weather gods throw our way, but it’s all in how we respond. Just stay safe and warm wherever you are. I focus on my sunset images from last year’s calendar as a pre-write these words. 🌄 It feels me with hope this too will pass…. Do that inside cleaning when home, binge watch a favorite shows we are currently viewing “Young Sheldon,” or just dance to some music! Beat those winter weather blues in whatever way you can. I got my daughter the game of “Taboo” for Christmas. It’s a classic and I always wanted it, so much fun. I frequently think of that scene in the movie “Four Christmases.” Another classic.

Don’t let Mr. or Ms. Resistance get you down. If you want, go build a snowman. ☃️ That’s not for me nor shoveling, but some things we must do. We need to enjoy the moment and bring some peace of mind to our being. I will go tubing though, so maybe that will be at the top of our “card” this season. I’ll take a 🔥 in the lodge any day, ha ha! Don’t over plan and remember to let love in your heart, even with the winter weather frustrations. I’ll remember this too. Bring me some color Mother Nature! At least I have the Ultimate Warrior with his colorful gear. ☺️

P.S. Look at this time as hibernation. The Bears do. 🐻The Universe wants you to slow down and be more gentle with yourself. …

My Warrior Conversations

That’s me all bundled up in my backyard. I actually took that photo right before NYE for a Facebook video as part of an intuitive group I administer… Plus, before “locking up” with you all today, I wanted to touch on my post about “Home Gym Stories.” Much interest in that one has prompted me to expand just a moment. A moment here on squats. I actually DO them, just not with weights or too many. Now that the majority of my injuries seem to be on the mend- yay, 🤞🏻 I just might get into more with cardio and my elliptical machine again. Baby steps but this girl needs to lose some holiday weight… UGH…

Now, onto my ACTUAL post today. Remember when I mentioned two 2️⃣ things we all need to be grateful for every day? They are your life and health. Well, I felt the need to add to that which will lead into my warrior conversations. I also believe there are two things we want and NEED in our lives that aren’t the physicality of who or what we are. This came to me when thinking of sharing what I will write today. Any thoughts? To me, the answer is love and acceptance. That’s them, period. Everything else follows and is secondary. Love is extremely broad and covers many topics but we give and receive it. At least I hope you all do in someway, no matter how it’s defined. Acceptance is the toughie which we fight for and defend all the time. We really shouldn’t but we do. To just accept another or situation can be extremely difficult and yet despite our sometimes objective nature, we need to. Sure, it’s gonna be hard but once you do~ it will get easier because you won’t need to fight so much. 

Once you have acceptance, the love comes. OK, maybe not in that way you are used to but how about understanding instead? Let me explain. I am going to share my Warrior conversation I have every day during morning meditation. Once I set my intentions and send my gratitude, requests, and anything else out to the universe- I speak to Warrior. I’m sure some of you do too in your own way (if you knew him are/were a fan and anything similar.) You know what? It was never awkward for me, never… . These are some “convos” I have with him. It’s not in any specific order but I say these “hopes” like this: “I hope you are still reading, writing, and painting. I hope you are playing with your dogs. I hope you are checking in on your girls and good friends.” I am almost certain he does these things but I say them anyway. Some others go like this:

“Ride your motorcycle, tell everybody hi from me, (especially Randy) there’s too many of you up there… – *cue emotion*-recreate some of your favorite matches but maybe a few would want different endings!”

There’s A LOT more and some are too personal but you get the idea. I always say his mantra first about being bold, brave, and strong of course before diving in. Sometimes too I reference his “Fear is an Aberration” speech or a few others and I never know what feeling I will get. It does vary and often times, we need to just be still and really picture the good. I thank him for working with me and strengthening our connection but I don’t ask WHY anymore. I know the WHY or at least most of it and acceptance comes. Do you talk to any passed loved ones in spirit? if you don’t, no biggie and if you think it’s crazy, that’s fine. The HARDER part for me was writing him which became quite the endeavor last year. My healer friend had that come through and as easy as this is sharing on here, I was stumped with penning him a letter! Isn’t that strange? Guess I’m better at talking to him but like I always say (as did Warrior,) you need to get it on paper. It truly helps. ❤️‍🩹

This last little conversation was a phone call I had over Christmas with a cousin of mine. He is the younger brother of my beautiful soul sista. He busted his knee, called my mom, was bored at home, so asked for some cousins numbers. We rarely see each other as adults now but if anyone recalls, he is the doppelgänger of this boy on the “Ultimate Collection” DVD. Look for the match between U.W. and HTM from 12/17/88. It might also be on YouTube. The camera focuses on this kid near the end who could’ve been my cousin around 13 or so. He was actually 14 then… Too funny. He drops the F bomb often just like Warrior did and had me laughing so hard! 🤣 Such great memories and he is also mentioned in “This Brotherhood of Mine.” What struck me is how he KNEW his sister and I had a bond~ even back then. I never would’ve guessed that but he did. He was a little rebellious to say the least like his three brothers but has a much better and sober life now. We could always talk and he remembers that well. 

He called me one of the sweetest, kindest, and honest people he has ever known and I was overwhelmed. 🥹 Sometimes, we don’t feel those complements but I’ve talked about that too. Part of me didn’t accept his words as we become our own worst critics indeed. I never knew he felt that way~ I honestly didn’t. He isn’t that close with his many sisters but calls them all on occasion. I told him I would always talk to him and he knows that. When you are one of 10, life takes all in different directions with lifestyles, careers, and such. Keeping in touch is a lot but we have to want it. Love and acceptance again. It was a great Warrior conversation and I will talk to him soon. His birthday is this month so I am going to zoom in on that boy from the DVD and send it his way. I hope he responds! 😜

Have those conversations warriors however they work for you. Passed loved ones or in person, it doesn’t matter. As long as you do, the love and acceptance is there. It could come in a very unexplainable way, humorous, or not at all for a bit but it will eventually. You have to always believe because the belief gets us through it all. I won’t hear the F bomb from Warrior anymore but he delivered through my cousin who reminded me of some words I needed to hear… Until next time, bring the love and acceptance into honest warrior conversations. Oh, and do your squats! 🫵🏻💪🏻🗣️

*** Find me:

Book- “Spirit and Belief” is over at Amazon and other outlets. They are short stories that expand into my beginnings on following Warrior and how his energy got me to trust my OWN intuition.., I explain psychic terms in a relatable way, humor with family stuff, dreams, and more!

*** I am also in a U.W. fb group, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube (:

Time for Transitions 🫶🏻💎

I really shouldn’t be writing today at all but I am. The reason being is that it is my (our) 20th wedding anniversary. 💕 Guess I’m sharing this day with Warrior writings, imagine that. 🥰 Don’t think one of these Wednesdays has ever been a milestone in my life, just Warrior’s. Another first as I continue. I have a personal birthday milestone coming up in a month but it doesn’t fall on a Wednesday!

That pic you see of Warrior was from a promo he made after “Macho King” Randy Savage cost him to lose the heavy weight belt to Sgt. Slaughter at the Royal Rumble of 1991. This led up to WMVII’s “Career Ending” match between Warrior and Randy. If you give this one a listen or know of it at all, Warrior mentions “the 15 stitches in the top of my head” incurred as a result of that scepter hitting him “unconscious” so he loses the belt. I love how he mentions a crystal that the doctors left in. So dramatic indeed as a reminder of “Macho King’s” kingdom but also a reference to a piece of the WWF title that had belonged to both of them at one time. I have worked with REAL crystals as part of my spiritual practice for years. They are very powerful. That is of course if you believe in all that which I do. I did save that promo but not just for the crystal reference, ha ha.

That brings us to this title of transitions today. Warrior didn’t mind that transition of losing the belt to Sarge as he wasn’t about having one all the time. That was easy for him as some things in all of our lives are not that hard transitioning to. Me, well– that word itself is HARD in my life but accepting it and evolving we must all do. My son is transitioning to college in just a few days for a full week of band camp before classes officially begin. That day is jam packed with lots of other stuff-believe it or not so no time to dwell until later on when it will HIT me. Yes, we will see him soon enough but not daily and I need my warrior strength to get me through.

We all have those transitional times in our lives that are such biggies and as parents, it’s a constant watching our kiddos grow. This has definitely been a HUGE milestone year for me but as a warrior, I battle on like we all need to do. How do you handle those transitory times in your life? I bet some are pretty easy but then the big decisions require more thought and emotion for sure. I had a simple transition from marriage and then motherhood as those were goals I was very prepared and ready to take on. Plus, a career before hand which I strived for and loved. That went into marriage briefly but not mothering.

I can mention the WWF transitioning from Hulk to Warrior but that’s been brought up enough so I’ll let that be. Oh, many professional and personal things that were part of Warrior’s life that he had to transition into and some of course we will never experience but look at your own. What’s been the hardest to do and why is it that way? The easy stuff comes and goes in the blink of an eye but some linger and take much longer. I’ve mentioned before about Warrior making his transition to “parts unknown” as that is our biggest on Earth when those life lessons are done. Not to dwell on sorrow so let’s go to the joy. Despite negative parts of our transitions, we can and will get to the good eventually.

These past few years have especially been in transit for me in many ways from being scared and unsure to finding answers and relief. I believe our entire lives are filled with constant transitions really but at times, we need space to just relax and breathe. If you have a hard time doing anything else, remember that breath inside you which gives you life every single day. Warrior said this often. Besides that, another factor we need is rest. Yes, that was extremely hard for Warrior to do and I was never a napper much either. Transition for sure. I take naps sometimes now as my body tells me when they are needed.

Even little things like breathing and resting we take for granted and never think those would concern us. Well, our lives all take different turns and despite my objections, was told I needed to be mindful in order to heal. Transitions are hard warriors but fighting them means they stick around. What we resist, persists. Have you heard of that? It’s true. Most of us don’t get what we truly need but we try all the time or at least we should anyways. Not sure if Warrior was ever a napper much (probably not) but he came around over the years to being more aware of the little stuff that amounts to the big. I do believe he was always knowing in many aspects but got those chances with time to slow down in a different way. Maybe it wasn’t our way of slowing but it was his and he transitioned like he needed to.

That’s it for now warriors as I transition to whatever else this day of my 20 years of married life brings. I already meditated and used some crystals so that’s my slowing down and breathing time. Warrior doesn’t need a crystal to be in his kingdom. He shines brighter than any diamond as a spirit all the time. Let’s move through all our transitions the best we can. Remember to BREATHE and always REST…

P.S. Video pic cred goes to RocketFuel on YouTube (: He has tons of great U.W. promos of the ‘ol WWF days so if you were a fan of that era, check him out!


*** Find me here for a more in-depth spiritual blog PLUS you can find my book info there as well. It concerns my spiritual connection to Warrior in spirit, wrestling, psychic gifts explained in a fun yet relatable way, dreams, and so much more! It is on Amazon and many other book outlets. Leave me a review, much appreciated!!! 📗🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

*** I am also on Twitter , YouTube, and part of a U.W. fb group… Leave me your Warrior comments!

Know Your Worth 👍👏🏻

Don’t be like Wayne and Garth from the 1992 movie “Wayne’s World” in front of Alice Cooper saying: “we’re not worthy!” O.K., maybe you’d feel differently around someone like rocker Alice Cooper or even the Ultimate Warrior himself! Let’s be more like the L’Oréal hair color commercial that states:

“Because we’re worth it!” Yes, I know that’s for women but you men are worth it too. Worthy of happiness, worthy of greatness, worthy of living the best life you can. Did I feel worthy of Warrior’s guidance at first? Nope, but now I know better.

I remember to say I AM worthy each day during meditation. Sometimes I forget admittedly but most days I remember. This can be for anything you’d like to manifest. Maybe it’s simple, complicated, physical, spiritual, or any area of your life. Personal relationships, professional work, and anything in between matters too. For me it became inspiration to teach, mother, write, motivate, and learn. What does worthiness look like to you? Fill in this sentence: “I am worthy of … because….” Most people will reflect on their decisions and contemplate actions with worthiness.

For Warrior, everything he ever did was completely worth it to him, even the ugly battles. Perhaps in his mind, some situations could’ve been handled differently but worthiness- absolutely. It’s not selfish to attain for a feeling of worthiness but just be sure the ego doesn’t take over. We need to stay humble and be grateful for all of it. Each and every little moment. We are entitled to know our worth but not at the expense of diminishing others.

It all comes back to belief and Warrior had plenty of that. He believed he was worthy of great things and worked hard to know his worth. I hope whatever choices you make, your worthiness comes thru also. Don’t throw it away because you may feel it’s not for your life. Others can achieve thru worthiness so why not you? Not one person, not one can’t know their worth by choosing what they love. Make those decisions but then ask yourself if they were worth it. It’s kinda like regrets but with deeper meaning.

To be worthy means deserving respect and bring good enough. It’s attention in the right way. We ALL deserve those qualities, don’t we? Sometimes we are quick to tell someone else those comments but are slow delivering them to ourselves. Let’s not get beat up all the time because we think it’s ego based. It is not, truly it is not warriors.

Others may think differently or that you are elevating yourself to a new status but that’s where your control needs to come in. Never think you are better but always remember the worthiness is part of us all. The only one that can believe in your worth is YOU. People can tell you this but if you don’t believe, you’ll never get to that point of knowing your worth inside and out.

Think about how far you’ve come in life already. Make a list of times you felt worthy of something and when you didn’t. I hope your pros outnumber your cons but if they don’t, fix it! The only way others succeed is thru believing in the worthiness that they can. Plain and simple. There are many aspects that make us different but so many are the same. We all essentially want the same things deep down but how we get there is not always the aligned path or an easy one.

Know your worth warriors but if you don’t, examine that inner part of yourself and listen to it. Give yourself the gift of self-confidence and drill it in your brain everyday. Say: “I AM worth it!” as much and as many times as you need to. I will also practice this and sometimes need that boost just like you. We’re not Wayne and Garth but humbleness does matter. Just know how much you give comes back. Look to whoever or whatever you can as examples of worthiness. It is a difficult ultimate challenge but one that needs our attention.

~ Know your worth because you do truly deserve it. We all do. 💜

P.S. That photo of the Ultimate Warrior is also part of my Spirit and Belief book trailer video. You can find it here:


~This post is doing double-duty (that seems to happen lately!) on both blogs this week but if you want to archive more spiritual topics, check it out here:


~ You can also connect with me on Twitter, youtube, and Pinterest. We can work together to answer any questions you may have on spiritual topics or share Ultimate Warrior stories! 💪🏻💙

P.PS. I am taking some much needed R & R next week but feel free to catch up on previous posts! I’ll be back after that with more good stuff! #alwaysbelieve

Change is Acceptance 🎨

We can change our physical appearance like the Ultimate Warrior did to his face with war paint but I’m talking deeper changes that need acceptance. Also- to all you ultimate fans out there, I’m not referencing the title belts that would switch waists with a win or loss. Nope, not that either. Although- WMVI did have its share of changes that defied tradition but let’s move on.

Do you handle change well warriors with acceptance or do you fight it? All of us are dealing with extreme change as a result of this worldly virus but the acceptance part is the hardest. So very frustrating indeed… We love our routines and schedules but hate when they get interrupted or changed beyond our control. It’s easy when things are going our way but then something makes us detour. Maybe it’s good, maybe it’s bad or maybe it’s just different.

Transitions make up our lives from family, careers, life choices, and all that with some being our choosing. It’s when we don’t or can’t choose which causes us to deny or accept. Warrior’s passing created change in all us fans with acceptance not even an option then. We all am sure have lost loved ones but when death is unexpected at the time, the change creates shock. That shock eventually turns into the reality of acceptance over time but never completely vanishes from our memory. Warrior himself had to accept change from his physical body to an energetically spiritual one. 🙏🏻💙

I have evolved spiritually these last six years with ways I never fully accepted because of change. Sure, I always did have little things but as with any type of growth, the ripples turn into waves. 🌊 Those littles became bigger and manifested for me in such a beautiful way. My emotions initially were so out of control and I fought that change constantly. Once I surrendered, the acceptance came easier.

Personally, I should be used to change. With living in Ohio, sometimes we have all four seasons in one day!!! Seriously though, how have changes in your life created a better acceptance? Some decisions are excruciatingly hard to accept but there comes a time when we need to. People may live their lives very different from us and change may be worth the risk for them. We need to accept that whether or not in agreement. Remember, respect goes a long way.

As parents, it’s all about change and acceptance. Kids grow and change and us grownups need to accept their growth as part of life. This applies to everyone really and it’s all in the way you handle it. Do I get mad over changes in my life which I can’t control? Absolutely. It’s o.k. to vent and shout and cry and scream. Just don’t live there very long. It’s a challenge letting go of how things used to be, the good ol’ days, or yesteryear. We will always have those close to our hearts but life is worth moving on to see the next chapter. You and your spirit deserve more. Others may not get that chance.

Even businesses don’t keep things the same always. You fans of WWE probably know what I’m talking about here. If any of you are part of a business or run one, am sure you’ve encountered changes that others need to accept. We even change things in our homes, yards, hairstyles, workouts, and all those other minor things. Those of course like the Ultimate Warrior’s many changes over the years are a little easier to accept. It’s the big huge life altering ones that truly test our mental resolve.

Change can also be about compromise which still keeps our hand somewhat in control. Then, there are times when it’s all or nothing. Lately, I’ve been meditating on how to best handle the word acceptance. It’s everywhere just like energy. We do need to see the positive thru the negative but our fighting spirit will resist only for so long. Acceptance brings new change ever so slowly at first. Us humans have a hard time with the negative part of that word and even Warrior did.

My wish today is for all of you to find that good acceptance beyond the change that seems bad. Without it, we will never fully find out what we are truly made of. ~~~ All ultimate GRIT!

P.S. I recently found out more about Lebron James wearing the Ultimate Warrior t-shirt. If anyone had watched some of the news conferences, he’d sport the likes of Sting, Ric Flair, and the Undertaker. His wife packed bags with wrestling shirts. The U.W. shirt was the only one left in his bag. He did say he would’ve worn it even if the Cavs lost! ~~~ So glad I found that out (: 💪🏻🏀


~~ Find me also on Twitter, youtube, and Pinterest. Book info too!

Warriors Step Out of Time

I had the pleasure recently of presenting a workshop on intuition and my warrior self had to awaken for this one! Over a year ago, I received a woman’s name at another library book conference. She hosts this series monthly at a downtown library. It involves many aspects of spirituality, meditation, intuition, aromatherapy, and more. I was so excited to finally bring more life to this topic.

The date I chose was November 14th. There were others but this one is in my book Spirit and Belief.

That was the last time I saw the Ultimate Warrior on T.V. as part of the Ultimate Maniacs with Randy Savage. Of course I picked this date, how could I not? 😉Well, it took me MUCH longer to get there than expected since tons of traffic congests certain highway exits. Plus, there was a football game that night. Ugh! I really was crunched for time.

When I finally arrived, no parking lot could be seen. Guess libraries that are almost 100 years old only have street parking. Circling around a bit made time pass more quickly as I finally parked in a nearby school lot. I felt like the Ultimate Warrior himself running just to get there! The doors opened and I made it with one minute to spare. 😬

I am not a late person EVER so this was unacceptable to me. Feeling flustered doesn’t do me any good. Once I’d begin, things would move along, right? Somewhat but not so much. This group had little interest in my story of intuition and many just wanted a random checklist. They asked questions such as: “What do you mean about feathers as a sign of following intuition?” “How do you journal?” “What’s a blog?” “Wait, you communicate with someone in spirit?” All questions I wasn’t prepared for or even expecting at all.

I kept my composure and did explain ways to increase intuitive abilities but some just wanted an internet answer that I couldn’t provide. I did my best, shared what works for me, and still remained open to inspiring any way I could. In hindsight, if I had more time I could’ve asked more questions to the group about their expectations that night but it wasn’t meant to be for some. Such a minor challenge compared to many Warrior faced over the years! This event frustrated me for sure but I always like to remain positive. That’s what any warrior must do.

Warrior had so many firsts in his life and this night had many for me. The good aspects ( despite the long drive in traffic) were very exciting. I got to lead a presentation with more present than before, discuss intuition in a new way, and also led a meditation which worked out very well. One man bought my book and wants me to return to discuss being ” a warrior.” That made my night (: I brought along some crystals I love and gave everyone present an angel card to use before meditation. It was just a simple visualization to imagine being in a place you love. I hope it brought them some peace. Such a learning experience for sure…

How do you use your intuition warriors? Do you follow that “gut instinct” like you should. Warrior did and I am too. Sometimes it’s hard to decide what to do but I’ll tell you what I told the group. Intuition is what you FEEL and what your heart tells you. It isn’t the logical mind all the time but the emotions. We do need all three– head, heart, and gut and always that balance everyday. Remember that three count warriors!

Some didn’t like my ideas about intuition but you need to focus your energy on what you’d like to try. It isn’t the same for us all. Taking “A Step Out of Time” allowed me to see people that are still uneducated looking for answers. I hope I helped on their journey as they continue. November 14 is special to me in several ways and now I have a new date in time to remember.

The man who bought my book was so positive. ( and not just for that reason!) He wants to explore this more and agreed with me about intuition. It is not truly found in a book, online, or anywhere else but inside YOU. Nobody can give you the answers but yourself. Tips– yes but you run the show. I sign my books with: “May you always follow your intuition.” That is my wish for you. Without me listening to my heart a few years back, I wouldn’t have these opportunities or be writing to you all now. ~~~ Intuition will come, you just have to listen and FEEL. 💙🙏🏻


“Fear is an Aberration!”

“Fear, fear is an aberration.

Fear is the air that cowards breathe.

Fear is the first taste of defeat.

The Warrior only breathes the air of the brave and the Warrior only feasts on the fruit of VICTORY!”

~~~ The Ultimate Warrior

~~~11/25/89 (before his SNME match against Andre the Giant)

Such powerful words as always from the Ultimate Warrior and I have made this part of my meditation everyday. Maybe that sounds crazy to some but us warriors have a little bit of crazy in us for sure! 😜 Are you fearful or fearless? I used to say it depended on the situation but now I choose the latter.

The most important thing to remember with the word FEAR is that it has no power over you. Also, do not compare yourself to others as I always did. I used to think nobody would believe my “fearful” situations but just chalk them up as silly. Everyone else’s were much more important or dramatic than mine.

That was an incredibly tough mindset to get out of. So very tough. Our past really does affect our future whether we believe that or not. Even though some of my life stories weren’t as drama filled as others, I don’t shy away from them now and in fact I defend them. They make us who we are and form us into the people we become. Not everyone is a “risk-taker” or outgoing but that doesn’t mean you are fearful.

Sometimes, we hit our stride later but everything is in perfect timing. I always did stuff that wasn’t with the “norm” (like Warrior in a way) but was it considered fearless? Probably not. That used to bother me SO much but now, not at all. People’s definitions of some words are never the same and they place labels or their own experiences over everything. Comparing can become such a nasty habit and some people never outgrow it. Don’t be one of those people and I hope as warriors, you are not.

Warrior’s passing has brought me into the most fearless I have ever been. My humility makes this so hard to write but it is very true. There are things I never even dreamed or imagined doing and did fear dominate? NO! Well, I must admit in the beginning it did just a little. I’ve evolved so much since then. I look at Dana and just marvel at her accomplishments. To think she describes herself as introverted shocks me. I know she also never imagined this life without Warrior. She is fearless in her own right but he would’ve wanted that for her.

I am also certain people I know could never have guessed how my life would change with his passing. I have a few other opportunities on the horizon and can’t wait to share more details soon! Be your OWN fearless warrior with whatever projects are in the works for you. Keep those dreams active and abolish fear.

What is holding you back? Let me guess… Judgments, resources, time, finances, unworthiness, laziness, losing your “comfort zone,” and am predicting others. I definitely have had some of this on my journey. Listen to that intuition like I have said before but life is always a balancing act. Head versus heart every single day. Who wins? Such a hard one depending on your circumstance. We should follow the “do what feels good or right for you” saying but not at the expense of becoming penniless or a victim. Did Warrior listen to fear or follow his intuition? I think we all know that answer as we must do the same.

Think of all the areas in your life where fear dominates. Possibly try narrowing down that list and conquer a few. I can say to dive right in but realistically some cannot. Literally speaking, I never did learn how to dive! LOL!!

Be able to look back on your life and say how fearless you were or how you evolved. You will never regret kicking fear to the curb or pinning it to the mat. Replace fear with a victorious NEW word of fearlessness. Learn it. Know it. OWN it. Always believe it. You can also make fear an aberration. Warrior did. Dana did. I am and you can too. 💖💪🏻👍

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~~~You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Don’t forgot the website gives you details on my book and a Work with Me page too!

The Spiritual Warrior

Before I thought of this next post, my mind wondered what other topics to discuss. The book “A Life Lived Forever” always inspires me but then I looked at other things in my Warrior collection. The comic book caught my eye as I hadn’t paged thru it in quite some time. 22 years ago I read all of it after purchasing from my local drugstore. Sometimes I’d glance at it but then once again 4 years ago. It was too soon to pick that up as the hospital scene hit a little too close to my heart. 😢💔

Warrior mentions “Destrucity” within the introduction and then these pages pictured near the end. Back then, the entire concept amazed me despite the mortality reference. I would just read the words and think– WOW… but now in my spiritual development, it has an entirely new meaning.

I did some research (highlighted words) as this doesn’t even include the story itself. The words “higher self” or “selves” are mentioned 17 times, “evolution” or “past lives” is mentioned 15 times, and “intuition” 4. These words meant very little if nothing to me then but I always believed anyway.

For some of you disconnected with Warrior’s spiritual nature, just read these pages. I only have the first book but that’s enough for me. When I first starting getting “signs,” I read many books and they ALL referenced these words of Warrior’s. I had no idea at the time how his mindset really was. Not a clue. At least not a strong one anyway. Those were words never in my life before and intuition I learned as “conscience.” He even references God but this can also be synonymous with Creator, Source, Divine Light, consciousness, or any other term you connect to.

Many words he used throughout his career like destiny, intensity, energy, strength, and of course spirit and belief ( wink-wink– my book!) It wasn’t until later on that he mentioned more spiritual words and boy did I pay attention! For him to describe evolution and past lives relates so well with what I am learning now. My belief system never aligned with how I view spirituality today.

The “spirit of warrior” is in all of us if we do indeed listen to that higher self and follow our intuition. That is my entire message of what I am trying to educate others on. I never picked up one book or looked at one blog during my development thinking of Warrior in this way– never. I only researched to find out what all these “signs” meant for me and why Warrior seemed so strong a presence. It wasn’t because I knew or remembered him describing higher selves, evolution, or intuition at all. There are many more magazine articles or YouTube videos of Warrior’s where these are mentioned several times.

He explains on the Ultimate Collection DVD how: ” whatever the character was in the ring was just an amped up version of who that character was outside the ring.” At first I thought– no way! He isn’t the Ultimate Warrior all the time until I realized he meant something deeper. He means deep down to the core and for him, it was the spiritual Warrior. Why do you think he was so successful with his promos or words? Yes, some thought he was strange but he already had that spiritual side within.

He used that to evolve into the character he not only wanted to be but needed to be. He honored his true beliefs and not many people seemed receptive at the time. To think I just thought he was cool and different… 😜💖 Little did I know and maybe you warriors didn’t either just how much spirituality was part of his very essence. I of course, had no idea of my own really until an experience ten years ago. I never made it a big deal but again- always believed and accepted. It had nothing to do with Warrior at all.

Reading and looking at the comic book now leaves me feeling too many things to describe. I am so incredibly honored and amazed at how he acknowledges MY spiritual warrior all the time. This is my destiny and I find things out that always blow my mind. When others say: “He was just a character on T.V.,” I just laugh now instead of becoming defensive. 😂 I know better and am so grateful to be included within his tribe of following my OWN spirit of warrior.

Listen to your higher self.

Evolve into your OWN spiritual warrior.

Follow your intuition everyday . ( I sign this in my books!)

~~~ My meditation everyday has always included: “Help me connect with my higher self which in turn leads me to the Divine.”

You can follow my other spiritual blog at: www.spiritandbelief.com

I would love to hear your stories of finding the “spirit of warrior” inside you!! ~~~ #alwaysbelieve

Warrior Book Event

Last week, I had the pleasure of sharing my book Spirit and Belief at beautiful Namaste Life Center. Theresa had it all so wonderfully inviting as I walked into that back room feeling so overwhelmed and humbled. Immediately, I felt at home and welcomed. Despite those in attendance being few, all listened, contributed, and supported me on my journey.

One woman related her time spent working at the restaurant in the old Richfield Coliseum here in Ohio and a wrestler she encountered. She asked me to describe the Ultimate Warrior and the years he was in the business. That was a great memory for me to describe! A wrestler with short hair (probably not Warrior, lol!) left a “script” for her as a gift! Wow, how exciting and fun getting that. Too bad she lost it after keeping it almost thirty years….. 😕

Another woman told me to “never doubt myself” as I don’t yet always am humbled while my lightheadedness began. Don’t worry since that’s a good sign of mine! She also said the hair on the back of her head was standing up as I was speaking. I asked if that was common for her and she truly believed Warrior was present. ❤️ I was filled with such gratitude once again.

The owner commented after I briefly shared the Cavs/Warrior basketball stories in my book. As most of you might know, numbers and dates are huge with me. I discussed June 16th being Warrior’s birthday and she interrupted. To summarize, as a child she was deeply affected by the movie Brian’s Song while crying buckets for a long time. She never forgot that and decided with her abilities to finally sign up for www.ancestry.com After much research, she found out Brian Piccolo whose life the movie is based upon, was a seventh cousin of hers. Yes, that’s quite far back but STILL a huge deal to be connected. Brian Piccolo died on June 16th, just sayin’… Who knows with Warrior but I will forever wonder.

It was such a great afternoon just hanging with these beautiful spiritual people and sharing our experiences together. They came to listen to me without judgment or disbelief. I got asked questions about meditation and what techniques work best. I felt so honored sharing what works for me. I have an entire blog post on www.spiritandbelief.com and a YouTube video on meditation so hopefully, she’ll get some ideas!

I was always so inspired with Warrior’s teachings and now others are inspired by mine. I never would’ve even guessed that about myself but am owning my stories with pride. Some have even had many more spiritual experiences than mine and I did get asked if I ever was scared. My answer was no based on my signs and trust. I gotta say though if I had something more extreme, that could change! Intimidated–sometimes but fearful, never.

It felt so natural speaking to these people while injecting my humor too! I mentioned Dana, Steve, and other newer experiences blogged about but not in the book. Can’t wait to possibly plan another event there as the energy was so positive with these like-minded people.

We can be inspired but then need to be the inspiration as Warrior has said. Just the other day, I ran into an old friend who I had lost touch with. After a few years of just connecting on Facebook, the hair salon brought us back together. We chatted in-between highlights as she proceeded to tell me how I always inspired her. Who, me? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. We always did sit together at PTA meetings but no idea of her admiration for me.

Some of our “situations” always connected us but she had been thinking of me lately. She even coined a new phrase: ” What would Kathy do?” I felt dazed yet so guided as my confidence inspires her. Wow… Talk about a Warrior Woman moment. She brought up past memories when I followed the beat of my own drum and did things my way. Why yes, I still do that but to be told of your influence doesn’t happen often– at least not to me. We will stay in touch as I admire her tenacity to juggle so much in her life all the time.

Be inspired but also be the inspiration even if you don’t think you can or are. Little moments surprise us but then the big planned ones can too. I had a big planned event and then an unexpected one that both overtook me with such joy. As I am looking up outside, I see a dragonfly. Oh, and those blue jay feathers keep coming just about everyday. It’s beautiful and humorous all at once. There’s that inspiration yet again warriors…….

#namaste #inspirationeveryday #synchronicityhappens #alwaysbelieve #spiritandbelief

The Wedding Near Smoothie King

Would I fool you warrior fans if you didn’t notice that photo of this other Smoothie King place? Well, I wasn’t in New Orleans but did recently attend a family wedding out of town and noticed that shop. We don’t have those Smoothie Kings by us so boy, did I smile at that sign! It sits directly across the church where the wedding took place so my heart filled with love for all the Warrior family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sometimes, I get social anxiety at these events where so many are present and catching up is great but can be awkward too. My meditation was a little longer that morning as I brought along my pink rose quartz for extra love. The card I drew that day was the Heart Chakra and I must say– it was perfect! I also read the additional meanings and once again, a moment floored me. This was a new card I hadn’t gotten before and a line in the extra part reads: ” A departed loved one who passed from a heart condition is saying hello, I love you. Have a heart-to-heart discussion.” Oh yes, everyday… a few tears here but then I just let it all go and decided to be that warrior the man himself knows me to be.

Later on, we all went to a restaurant between the wedding and reception start time. I had a wonderful conversation with my husband’s cousin’s wife and had no idea of her spiritual gifts as well. She had bought my book and asked me how things were going. Time just flew by as she related her psychic experiences and by sharing my story, it enabled her to open up with others and now to me. I never would’ve guessed this about her and she seemed open to meditation, Hay House radio, and other topics. I was so overjoyed with hearing her stories while feeling validated that mine were educating.

My husband’s sister-in-law recently visited New Mexico with her husband and was in Las Cruces. She actually remembered how Dana lives in Santa Fe and discussed her podcast! Another moment of joy and glee I wasn’t expecting to discuss at all!!! Luckily, this all happened after the wedding or I would’ve been distracted for sure!

What a great week that really turned out to be starting with meeting the woman who won a free copy of my book Spirit and Belief at my recent Holistic Fair. She gave me names of new contacts and we might attend some events together. Her name is Kathy just like mine and she even lives on my street! It has become so synchronistic lately, my heart chakra really is open. ~~ You can look up chakras if you aren’t familiar with them but I have a blog post on this subject at spiritandbelief. It’s about making sense of those seven chakras.

Even though I don’t have a Smoothie King Center story, the Smoothie King shop is my story for that day. I didn’t have that stage like the Warrior family but I have my stage where connections are made all the time. I should’ve gotten a smoothie but I’ll take the people any day..,


~~~ Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Feel free to leave your comments and share— don’t worry since we all don’t have a Smoothie King! 🍦🥤⛪️💕