Disciplines of Destrucity

*** Before I begin today, just wanted to share with you Warrior fans some news. It was recently brought to my attention that Dana and Steve have taken down the Ultimate Warrior website. ( U.W.com) Am not sure of when this happened but since I have referenced it, it needed to be stated on here. I totally respect their privacy and decision although it has saddened me…. No details of course but perhaps financial or even not as much content anymore, it’s anybody’s guess. If looking for gear, the WWE shop may still have U.W. items but so wish his artwork was available to view ): For those who already knew, my heart is sad 😒 but we need to try and understand their reasons which am sure were difficult to make. ~~~ You all still have ME as I was told fans want stories more now than ever. I am humbled and will continue his legacy like I always have while creating one of my OWN..,

Whew…. O.K, moving on warriors…

Destrucity was Warrior’s word in which he constructed eight unique disciplines of self-belief. I share a brief story in my book Spirit and Belief about hanging up that word with its explanations on my bedroom wall 24 years ago. I love it’s tri-fold meaning ( a 3 count works well ya know!πŸ˜‰) That photo you see is from his first comic book but you will also notice Destrucity in the book A Life Lived Forever. This one however adds the third meaning of destiny and reality that the larger book omits.

Interestingly enough, Buddhism also has a system of eight. Their beliefs entail an eightfold path for life purpose. Not exactly like Destrucity but action and effort matter in both. You can look up all those but I always wondered if Warrior knew the Buddhism similarity. Makes me think for sure. πŸ€” He lists the first discipline as physical. This makes sense since we are physical beings here on Earth but remember the spirit is truly who we are. We have a mind that also connects to that true essence of us.

Obviously I connected with this tremendously back then or it wouldn’t have been written down and hung up. I remember getting one of those yellow legal pads and cutting a sheet of paper in half. Warrior lists matches for WMVI on that kind of paper in the book if you have a copy– just sayin’! Then, I used a red sharpie ( jogging that memory) and wrote them out with my own calligraphy style. They weren’t just words I wanted to write because they came from him. I was inspired and needed this idea in my life too. I never questioned the why of that word or any of its meanings. My soul knew it was part of my destiny also.

No, I was not nor will ever be as disciplined as he was but became willing to understand a new way of thinking. It took me years but finally I did apply some Destrucity to my life with meaning. I loved how he invented a new word with his style of belief. I actually do this too and get teased by my husband often. Mine are of course simpler and funny. Our pool jet is called the “bubbler” by me and I said that forever growing up with my first pools. I say the wind feels “blowy” outside and a few others. Do you have your own words too? I think it’s great to have a little secret language but one others will get if they know us. I’m usually the grammar queen but sometimes we just create what works. Formalities aren’t my thing necessarily and I know Warrior was like that too. They don’t always need to be a synonym but an actual new word of your invention.

You may not have Disciplines of Destrucity as an active force in your life but I bet you have others. Disciplines are tough unless they’re something we like or want to do. Not liking or needing make them more of a challenge. Instead of listing many disciplines on here, ask yourself what the hardest one is to do for you. It can be anything at all from personal situations to professional ones. Our free will always determines the disciplines we give the energy to. We need it all to thrive- yin and yang everyday.

I also made the connection with that number eight. He passed on April 8th which is so synchronistic with his disciplines being eight. So, we do have another three count with eight. Destrucity, Buddhism, and that unfortunate Tuesday in April 2014. Wow… This happens all the time and some ideas I don’t even have written ahead as notes.

So, warriors- do you follow a set of self-beliefs similar to Destrucity? I wished I would’ve saved the paper to use for this post but gained so much more on my journey. We need to always believe in order to succeed. Self-belief is also about self-care and without it, we are no good to others. I mention this often on my other site and it’s vital to our lives everyday. Warrior has integrity and wisdom listed as two disciplines also. Those will resonate with all of us in ways we choose on our life path.

You may think his Warrior way of Destrucity and self-belief was crazy but break it down smaller. Look for opportunities to apply it in any circumstance. Without beliefs, we truly cannot fully exist. My reason for writing it down then remains the same today. Thank you Warrior for your Destrucity as I believe in myself always! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ₯°πŸ”₯


~~~ Share your Warrior stories with me if you’d like to connect more! πŸ’‘πŸ‘

~~~Follow me on Twitter, youtube, and Pinterest (: My website has the book info or head over to Amazon and other outlets!

The Kid in Us πŸ“šπŸ˜‰πŸ“½

Wake up Sleeping Beauties!”

~~~ Warrior began a video with that profound statement as I just froze thinking of my Sleeping Beauty references. πŸ‘‘πŸ˜΄He was talking about getting physically disciplined of course but the Disney animated movie and him have something in common. They were both “born” in 1959. I have said that before but it does link them and I together in a way…

We are all just kids at heart really. Remember how you loved hearing the same bedtime story over and over again as a kid? How about playing your favorite game multiple times until you won? Maybe you have these memories also with your own children or like me when teaching little ones. They like their routines just like we do. As adults, we like many things too– including comic books and movies ( look above!)

Did you like something or come to love it as a kid and still do? You die hard wrestling fans will understand although I wasn’t super young. This is the same idea with movies, books, or anything really at all. The wrestlers have their brand of familiarity with music, gear, moves, and slogans but so do those classics we know too well. Not exactly the same but am sure you get what I mean.

Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite Disney Princess. Both my sisters liked Cinderella but I had reasons for making Princess Aurora my fave (: First, she had an actual mom! None of the other princesses of her time could say that. Also, pink roses are another favorite and she was Briar Rose with the fairies. My sister gave me a music box years ago as that pic made an appearance in the “Creative Collections” post. I even dressed up as S.B for Halloween at work one year and surprised my niece on her birthday with wig on my head and tiara in place! In second grade, it was my go to book on the shelf for silent reading time and years later, I found it again at one of my preschool jobs. If things come back, it’s meant to be- right? I guess that applies to Warrior as well…

Thanks guys for staying with me as that was a little bit “girlie.” It is all me though!! I found this info out too. Stephanie McMahon must also love Sleeping Beauty since she and Triple H’s oldest daughter is named Aurora Rose. She’s the same age as my girl! How about that?

So, warriors what childhood items or favorites have brought the kid out in you? I still love comic books and remember reading so many of my parents when I was younger. There was Archie, Looney Tunes, Little Lulu, Fantastic Four, and many others I can recall. Archie was the best for me. So glad Warrior was able to put his ultimate mark on the comic book industry with his own stories. I mentioned comic books also with the collections post. We do have those things that stay with us forever as favorites whether in childhood or adulthood.

I bet you even watch your favorite movies over again or classic reruns of old T.V. shows. I sure do. It does bring out that kid in us with liking our stuff the way we like it and our reaction is always the same. We laugh, we cry, we still respond as if we’re seeing it for the first time. That’s how kids are. Nothing ever seems to get old or boring to them because it’s theirs. It’s comfortable and makes them feel secure and us adults do that too.

We may think those attitudes should be left in childhood but nah, they stay with us. You can probably answer that more personally for yourself . I for one NEVER get bored with my Ultimate Collection DVD as I truly thought it might be tiring a few years back. I decided to never question my kids again with watching the same episodes of certain shows while laughing in hysterics! 🀣 I do the same thing. Kids, adults, it really doesn’t matter sometimes. Sure, it may not be a big deal to others who don’t understand but we need to have fun with this life of ours.

Don’t get me started with music and all my songs. Quite another topic that ignites kid memories, teen ones, and now adult experiences. Check out my book Spirit and Belief for more on that! We may start with something so innocently as a child but then it truly does stay forever etched in our hearts.

“Once Upon a Dream” will be with me as this Sleeping Beauty is now fully awakened!! Happily Ever After is what we make it to be. Get out your movies, comic books, or anything that matters to you and be that kid again. It’s o.k. even as a grown-up…


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Always Give 110%

I’m not a person to do anything halfway. Most of the time this is great but sometimes it can become exhausting. When I am doing an activity, my mind and heart are IN ALL THE WAY. O.K., there are moments where I slip into thinking of my next thing but overall the person or situation receives my full attention. Are you this same way?

I give what I’m doing all that I have whether it’s an event, my fitness routine, WRITING, friendships, and those preschool jobs of the past. Being a mom also involves so much giving even now with my teens attitudes!! πŸ™„πŸ˜¬ If you knew of Warrior at all, giving 110% was always at the center of who he was and STILL is as a spirit (; I know this to be true. πŸ’™

A recent memory of mine was after I had done the Radio Interview with Kate Delaney of America Tonight back in October 2018. All I was told was that it was part of the Oct. 10th edition but the program is 3 hours! I was only given that info but wanted a direct link for others to listen. I found the episode and just had to keep listening while fast forwarding to my part. This took quite a while. I did imagine how Warrior would respond!! My interview is 27:11 into hour 2 so I was determined. That’s giving 110%.

This isn’t always the case of a good ending though. For me, I think in some situations perhaps my giving is too much. The outcome doesn’t always work out successfully and then our emotions respond. We all might give a lot when others give very little. I still am me but every circumstance brings it’s own challenges. Being determined is one thing but always wearing yourself too thin is another.

I look at how Warrior approached his career and I did mine the same. Obviously, I was NOT a pro-wrestler (lol!) but the passion was equal with his work ethics. I too would write ideas down and be so prepared, this resulted in some teasing… The job was my life since I had no family of my own yet. The pressure he faced wasn’t mine but giving that 110% of ourselves is us both.

When I’d hear stories of him going in early, staying later, or working on promos, it sounded a lot like me. Just sub lesson plans for promos. This spilled into other areas of my life too but now much more has been learned. I have enjoyed many activities by slowing down some, we have to breathe! Maybe Warrior couldn’t slow down much but his family kept him grounded. He needed that grounding to keep giving 110% so his legacy would continue.

We can all work at our own pace but still remember to enjoy life along the way. Warrior mentioned this in many videos since he knew how precious the gift of life was… Give that 110% but then sit back and watch what happens. We actually shouldn’t be going and going all the time anyway. I am still on that journey often as it can be a struggle. Get that downtime to relax and then recharge when you’re ready. We will never be able to do everything but give your time to those ideas that truly ignite your 110%.

When I am starting a new project and it’s early enough, I work on it until it’s done. My husband is the same. Some things can wait another day but we get that anxious mindset and just have to finish. Even writing this right now has brought me many distractions but my 110% is to get it done. If I set my mind into accomplishing something, I do it. I have overdone things and might pay the price but never any regrets. Life lessons make us true warriors who fight “’til the end.”

You may disagree some but all of our minds work so differently. I admire those who never panic and just somehow manage to fit in so much everyday. I do know that getting overworked though doesn’t serve me well. I prioritize much better and can still give my 110% in an easier way.

However your life is, give yours but also know it is enough. Maybe it isn’t 110% and that’s o.k. This is your life to live so be that Warrior you need to be. 110%= Your TRUE SELF!

P. S. Photo courtesy of Warrior #1 Comic and artists:

Jim Callahan

J. D. Smith


P.P.S. Here is the radio link for anyone interested:


~~~ I discuss intuition, my book Spirit and Belief, Warrior, and my spiritual experiences. It is 12 min., Oct. 10th, hour 2, 27:11 mark.


I H(e)ART Warrior ART

I wanted to discuss Warrior’s art today and how amazing all artists are to me. From drawing to sketching, painting and sculpting, it impresses me all the time. I was spellbound the first time witnessing Warrior make his logo as it was not the way I’d drawn it at all! What a natural talent being able to create something that impacts so many and yet is so simple. I always loved his jackets and the comic book art, not to forget his love of color. My daughter is great at art too- another Gemini trait!

As a child, I must say that art didn’t agree with me. That’s putting it mildly. I realize in school that free art is rarely considered but those “cookie cutter” projects just weren’t for me. My elementary teacher terrified me to the point of faking stomachaches sometimes so I’d stay home from school on art day. I could fool my Mom a little. Am sure the teacher was following a curriculum but your personality still makes a difference, especially to an aspiring child.

If I had to do one more block paper project, I’d scream in class! Let’s not forget all the reprimanding for lack of “perfection.” So glad those days are behind me but the memories always remain. With my children, it’s quite a different story. My eyes well with tears when seeing their art and even those of the kids enrolled in my old elementary school. My kids attend PSR there so I have seen much artwork over the years displayed on the walls. Remember my 7th grade classroom What A Rush story or even The Warrior Book Dream? Those are archived but yep, that’s the school.

I did have to take art in high school as a freshman but so wish now I had taken more. It was very different than anything I ever did before and so much more variety with media. I also did many projects over my years as a preschool teacher and yes, some were “cookie cutter.” I scoffed sometimes but we did have those free art days too. Couldn’t wait to explore all this with my own kids someday. I still have some of their little creations hanging on the attic wall (: My confidence blossomed being able to create and make with the kids while not having a teacher breathing down my neck…

That harbors the question of : “Would I have wanted Warrior as an art teacher?” Yes, he mostly did self-portraits (like all the greats, hehe) and famous men in history but would he ever have been able to teach to let’s say… kids? He was a perfectionist in his own art so that might’ve come out in kids, who knows? If he would’ve approached it the way he did fitness, I’d be in trouble! If he was my high school art teacher— um…. I’d be WAY too distracted or ask for extra help, lol!! πŸ˜‰Art II was self-portraits!!

All kidding aside, whether one likes his artwork or not and just like his performances as a wrestler, he brought a talent that deserves respect. There will always be those naysayers but we need to appreciate the natural abilities all of us have. Even though art frustrated me as a child, I never quit trying. Just like math thru school. It bothered me that I never could get it “just right” when it shouldn’t be that way. Yes, if you’re making a dog it shouldn’t look like a butterfly but am sure you know what I mean!

I detail a chapter in my book Spirit and Belief called “Creativity is Endless” but I mention how art is just one aspect of being creative. Teachers should look for many other forms of expression from kids that encompasses an art curriculum. My cousin is an elementary art teacher and pursued her passion. The kids love her. I have never read anything about Warrior’s natural artistic talent as a child or even later on in life but perhaps he was self-taught. After all, he epitomized that the best.

I am humbled at all artists talent but really we can be any type of artist we want. It is your interpretation of what fits in your LIFE as part of Warrior’s quote above. I hope you can have appreciation for something in a way like art has been for me. I respect Warrior’s art, my own, my kids, and all artists for doing their own LIFE! βœοΈπŸ–πŸ–Œβœ‚οΈπŸŽ¨πŸ–Š

P.S. ~~~ Can’t wait to share a video about Spirit and Belief made by my friend soon!


The Spiritual Warrior

Before I thought of this next post, my mind wondered what other topics to discuss. The book “A Life Lived Forever” always inspires me but then I looked at other things in my Warrior collection. The comic book caught my eye as I hadn’t paged thru it in quite some time. 22 years ago I read all of it after purchasing from my local drugstore. Sometimes I’d glance at it but then once again 4 years ago. It was too soon to pick that up as the hospital scene hit a little too close to my heart. πŸ˜’πŸ’”

Warrior mentions “Destrucity” within the introduction and then these pages pictured near the end. Back then, the entire concept amazed me despite the mortality reference. I would just read the words and think– WOW… but now in my spiritual development, it has an entirely new meaning.

I did some research (highlighted words) as this doesn’t even include the story itself. The words “higher self” or “selves” are mentioned 17 times, “evolution” or “past lives” is mentioned 15 times, and “intuition” 4. These words meant very little if nothing to me then but I always believed anyway.

For some of you disconnected with Warrior’s spiritual nature, just read these pages. I only have the first book but that’s enough for me. When I first starting getting “signs,” I read many books and they ALL referenced these words of Warrior’s. I had no idea at the time how his mindset really was. Not a clue. At least not a strong one anyway. Those were words never in my life before and intuition I learned as “conscience.” He even references God but this can also be synonymous with Creator, Source, Divine Light, consciousness, or any other term you connect to.

Many words he used throughout his career like destiny, intensity, energy, strength, and of course spirit and belief ( wink-wink– my book!) It wasn’t until later on that he mentioned more spiritual words and boy did I pay attention! For him to describe evolution and past lives relates so well with what I am learning now. My belief system never aligned with how I view spirituality today.

The “spirit of warrior” is in all of us if we do indeed listen to that higher self and follow our intuition. That is my entire message of what I am trying to educate others on. I never picked up one book or looked at one blog during my development thinking of Warrior in this way– never. I only researched to find out what all these “signs” meant for me and why Warrior seemed so strong a presence. It wasn’t because I knew or remembered him describing higher selves, evolution, or intuition at all. There are many more magazine articles or YouTube videos of Warrior’s where these are mentioned several times.

He explains on the Ultimate Collection DVD how: ” whatever the character was in the ring was just an amped up version of who that character was outside the ring.” At first I thought– no way! He isn’t the Ultimate Warrior all the time until I realized he meant something deeper. He means deep down to the core and for him, it was the spiritual Warrior. Why do you think he was so successful with his promos or words? Yes, some thought he was strange but he already had that spiritual side within.

He used that to evolve into the character he not only wanted to be but needed to be. He honored his true beliefs and not many people seemed receptive at the time. To think I just thought he was cool and different… πŸ˜œπŸ’– Little did I know and maybe you warriors didn’t either just how much spirituality was part of his very essence. I of course, had no idea of my own really until an experience ten years ago. I never made it a big deal but again- always believed and accepted. It had nothing to do with Warrior at all.

Reading and looking at the comic book now leaves me feeling too many things to describe. I am so incredibly honored and amazed at how he acknowledges MY spiritual warrior all the time. This is my destiny and I find things out that always blow my mind. When others say: “He was just a character on T.V.,” I just laugh now instead of becoming defensive. πŸ˜‚ I know better and am so grateful to be included within his tribe of following my OWN spirit of warrior.

Listen to your higher self.

Evolve into your OWN spiritual warrior.

Follow your intuition everyday . ( I sign this in my books!)

~~~ My meditation everyday has always included: “Help me connect with my higher self which in turn leads me to the Divine.”

You can follow my other spiritual blog at: www.spiritandbelief.com

I would love to hear your stories of finding the “spirit of warrior” inside you!! ~~~ #alwaysbelieve