The Spiritual Warrior

Before I thought of this next post, my mind wondered what other topics to discuss. The book “A Life Lived Forever” always inspires me but then I looked at other things in my Warrior collection. The comic book caught my eye as I hadn’t paged thru it in quite some time. 22 years ago I read all of it after purchasing from my local drugstore. Sometimes I’d glance at it but then once again 4 years ago. It was too soon to pick that up as the hospital scene hit a little too close to my heart. 😢💔

Warrior mentions “Destrucity” within the introduction and then these pages pictured near the end. Back then, the entire concept amazed me despite the mortality reference. I would just read the words and think– WOW… but now in my spiritual development, it has an entirely new meaning.

I did some research (highlighted words) as this doesn’t even include the story itself. The words “higher self” or “selves” are mentioned 17 times, “evolution” or “past lives” is mentioned 15 times, and “intuition” 4. These words meant very little if nothing to me then but I always believed anyway.

For some of you disconnected with Warrior’s spiritual nature, just read these pages. I only have the first book but that’s enough for me. When I first starting getting “signs,” I read many books and they ALL referenced these words of Warrior’s. I had no idea at the time how his mindset really was. Not a clue. At least not a strong one anyway. Those were words never in my life before and intuition I learned as “conscience.” He even references God but this can also be synonymous with Creator, Source, Divine Light, consciousness, or any other term you connect to.

Many words he used throughout his career like destiny, intensity, energy, strength, and of course spirit and belief ( wink-wink– my book!) It wasn’t until later on that he mentioned more spiritual words and boy did I pay attention! For him to describe evolution and past lives relates so well with what I am learning now. My belief system never aligned with how I view spirituality today.

The “spirit of warrior” is in all of us if we do indeed listen to that higher self and follow our intuition. That is my entire message of what I am trying to educate others on. I never picked up one book or looked at one blog during my development thinking of Warrior in this way– never. I only researched to find out what all these “signs” meant for me and why Warrior seemed so strong a presence. It wasn’t because I knew or remembered him describing higher selves, evolution, or intuition at all. There are many more magazine articles or YouTube videos of Warrior’s where these are mentioned several times.

He explains on the Ultimate Collection DVD how: ” whatever the character was in the ring was just an amped up version of who that character was outside the ring.” At first I thought– no way! He isn’t the Ultimate Warrior all the time until I realized he meant something deeper. He means deep down to the core and for him, it was the spiritual Warrior. Why do you think he was so successful with his promos or words? Yes, some thought he was strange but he already had that spiritual side within.

He used that to evolve into the character he not only wanted to be but needed to be. He honored his true beliefs and not many people seemed receptive at the time. To think I just thought he was cool and different… 😜💖 Little did I know and maybe you warriors didn’t either just how much spirituality was part of his very essence. I of course, had no idea of my own really until an experience ten years ago. I never made it a big deal but again- always believed and accepted. It had nothing to do with Warrior at all.

Reading and looking at the comic book now leaves me feeling too many things to describe. I am so incredibly honored and amazed at how he acknowledges MY spiritual warrior all the time. This is my destiny and I find things out that always blow my mind. When others say: “He was just a character on T.V.,” I just laugh now instead of becoming defensive. 😂 I know better and am so grateful to be included within his tribe of following my OWN spirit of warrior.

Listen to your higher self.

Evolve into your OWN spiritual warrior.

Follow your intuition everyday . ( I sign this in my books!)

~~~ My meditation everyday has always included: “Help me connect with my higher self which in turn leads me to the Divine.”

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I would love to hear your stories of finding the “spirit of warrior” inside you!! ~~~ #alwaysbelieve