Your Style Matters

Do you have your OWN style? I hope you do. It does matter ya know. This post can be interpreted any way you wish. I know my style matters. Warrior’s did (and does) and so does yours! Early in his career, he mentions having “great people to learn from.” I had some as well. This could be one of those beginnings I mentioned last week. Warrior’s was wrestling, mine was teaching. It makes no difference but once you find a style that works, it’s yours.

When you start something new, you know nothing but maybe you know a little. As time goes on, you know more and more. Pretty soon~~ you’re a pro! At least enough where you feel educated to perhaps teach someone else. My career as a preschool teacher involved being an aide first and observing at many centers with many different teachers. They all had their own style and I got snippets of everything. Education +Learning=STYLE. Some aspects I loved but then others, not so much. I could never be a copycat and neither was Warrior.

He learned the basics but needed a style that fit his OWN way and not that of others. Often times when we go against the “norm” or “majority,” we get criticized and judged. Have you been there? I know I have. I’m getting so much better at not judging others either but this remains a struggle at times.

Warrior got teased for running, shaking ropes, and wearing too much gear among other things. I got teased for hanging up too many posters in my classroom, not decorating a bulletin board correctly, and even for being too young! The list went on. His teasing didn’t make him quit just like mine didn’t for me. Isn’t it crazy how our brains get so twisted into things being the same for years that- GASP- someone new wants to change stuff around?!πŸ™„πŸ˜³πŸ˜¬

Like Warrior, I too “followed the rules” in the beginning. You kinda have to in order to be taught. After a time though, opinions count and style matters. Remember~~ true warriors are not clones or robots. I realize drastic measures shouldn’t be taken but am sure you’ll know your own limits. The truth is, you have to be comfortable enough using a style that you love. If you don’t, find a new one.

Don’t just emulate to get noticed. Maybe others won’t see if you’re genuine but you’ll feel it. Sure, at first we want that mentor or idol and will follow their style. After all, it works for them so why not you? You are the only one to decide if you constantly want to stay that way or become your own style. I gotta say– you will not regret cultivating something that will ultimately become YOU and no one else. If it’s hard for you to believe in your style, think of the impact on others. Warrior had the fans, I had the kids. It will matter.

This doesn’t need to just apply with a career. Think about parenthood. How about fitness? Decorating? It can be all your hobbies too. We will learn how to become successful but happiness is the key. You can be successful in anything if you try and have been taught to be so. But without a true style~~ the happiness will be lacking for sure.

Even twins need a style of themselves. You may look identical but that doesn’t mean everything you do has to be. So glad I wasn’t one. One of the many reasons I personally have longevity with Warrior is because of his style. Not necessarily all the wrestling gear but just his thinking outside of a box and remaining true to himself. We all should aspire to do the same but with today’s societal pressure, it can be tricky. You will have the guts to stand out with your style even when others disagree.

Another biggie in my life now involves activities I enjoy. I love yoga, spirituality interests, and of course blogging! My book Spirit and Belief is not even of the “norm.” I do much on my own with a style that works for me. My book club is a constant but I bounce around at yoga studios. There will be regulars and then there’s me. Sometimes I get glared at, sometimes I don’t. It is a test for me since years ago I’d never do this unless a friend came along. Well, that isn’t the case anymore. I still make the friends and connections without being a regular. You may think differently and respect is given.

OWN your style and make it matter. You won’t leave this life wishing you were like all the others. You will however look back and know the style that was cultivated made you happy. That’s what we need more of. We start with others input but then we shake our OWN ropes! Now, that’s what I call style that matters.





Remember Your Beginning…πŸ‘‹πŸ‘§πŸΌ

This title might intimidate you but please don’t let it! I’m not talking about your birth story here but perhaps a little older in life. The beginning I mean is when you became more of YOU. Confused? Well, it’s whenever that little light above your head finally shines so BRIGHT that nobody can dim it. πŸ’‘The part of you that finally accepted yourself despite naysayers. That part of you that finally OWNed being a true warrior. Maybe you are still finding that out.

I’m not being a shrink at all and most have that “inner child.” Mine is more the “inner teen.” She’s mainly my beginning of sorts. I know Warrior’s beginning was discovering that weight room in high school which helped him excel towards his future. My teen years meant hiding that girl I wasn’t allowed to be. Now, she waves at me proudly while standing on the edge of a cliff. Not there drastically but, ya know– playfully and willingly wanting to SPLASH. I actually can see her in my mind sometimes but now I joke when years ago, I pushed her away.

Which beginning means the most to you? We need to remember all of our parts as they make us whole. O.K., so you won’t remember your infancy but somewhat past that. My earliest memories are of being 3. Ah, I digress… That teen girl watched WWF then with so much excitement and joy. This only seemed “allowed” in my family’s house as that part of me was off limits to anyone else really.

We all have parts that are only reserved for some. Even Warrior did. Sure, he had his painted mask but rarely let out his beginning to many. He enjoyed being private later in life. Maybe a younger version of him kept standing on a cliff too– waving? I can only imagine and guess. Without certain beginnings, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Beginnings end but they still remain part of us. Warrior’s earthly beginnings have ended but his spiritual ones will go on forever. The same is true for all of us.

His passing brought endings and beginnings for me as am sure many fans feel the same. Even this blog has gone thru several beginnings which transitioned to endings of some topics. I look at how the WWE has also evolved besides just the name change over twenty+ years ago. Nothing ever happens without those two words of a beginning and an end. We will always remember them all.

Think about your own life. It’s all there for you. Yeah, sometimes we remember truly what we want to. It all leads to new beginnings, adventures, and experiences. Some of it can be pretty ugly but facing it gets us thru it. The great will stand out but then what about the middle? The middle to me are the littles. It’s the little things we need to remember most but sometimes don’t.

For us who followed Warrior’s career, we’ll remember his beginnings of course and then the GREAT but also the UGLY. The middle things need to be acknowledged too. Those propel you forward just like the Ultimate Warrior character needed smaller matches that led to bigger ones. Most might not remember some of those. We will always have the BIG stuff that amounts to beginnings but the middle counts just as much.

Don’t forget all those middles in your life too warriors. From toddlerhood, childhood, teen years, young adult, middle adult, and then older adult. They are all beginnings. These will end but memories will never. Warrior never wants us to forget any of his but his wish is to make your life its OWN. One book may end like Dana’s with Warrior but now she is writing a new one for her life. She will always remember her beginnings too.

Look at your “parts” around you and remember how they all began. They will always be moving you forward to begin again just in a different way.

*** My teen girl is still waving and I honor her now. πŸ˜‰

P.S. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” ~~~ Closing Time by Semisonic (1998.)

Happy 60th Warrior…πŸ’™

I believe Warrior’s birthday fell on Father’s Day a few years ago so here we are yet again. Am sure his girls will be honoring their Dad in their OWN special way. My thoughts go out to them as always. Perhaps he can celebrate what would’ve been such a great milestone up in parts unknown with those fortunate to know the real him. That Fatherly love will be felt by his daughters guaranteed.❀️❀️

This post brought a similar idea I had back in Jan. of ” Q and A Warrior Time.” I answered some questions about my journey that had been asked of me but decided to reverse that somewhat. What type of role would Warrior have had as a WWE Ambassador? Would he have agreed to some similar jobs Dana has taken on? I know she advocates for women and now is even part of the creative writing team, you GO girl! There are many opportunities but I always did wonder what he’d take on.

Well, that got my creative juices flowing as I conjured up my OWN set of Q and A’s to ask HIM. Yep, you read that right! What if I could’ve interviewed him? Some things I always wondered about but some are newer. I have watched many videos and listened to interviewers ask the SAME questions over and over. It’s no wonder he got so annoyed… πŸ™„ Sure, it’s a different audience and ratings matter but what about the good stuff? Where is that? Let’s take out the negative stories and ask better ones! At least that’s my opinion.

So, having said that– here’s MY interview. ~~ I would just have to BREATHE and meditate first… πŸ˜¬πŸ€—πŸ’ͺ🏻

1. Did you have an artistic ability as a child that resulted in creating such colorful artwork? ( face included!)

2. Would you ever have considered finishing your chiropractic degree after retiring from wrestling? Or, even pursuing other movie opportunities?

3. How long did it take to paint your face with extra details?

4. Did you ever feel like you’d trip when running to the ring?

5. Was there ever anyone in the crowd who was so distracting when you’d perform in the ring? ( cotton candy man and fans comes to my mind)

6. What did you write in your journal the day of April 1, 1990? ( So ironic this is #6, not on purpose!)

7. The ONLY Hogan question I have from a fan standpoint is please tell me the emotion was real with the hug at the end of WMVI?!

8. This is a BIGGIE since it’s in my book “Spirit and Belief” but whose idea was it to slam “Queen Sherri” at the end of The Steel Cage match against “Macho King”? Both of Yours? Vince?

9. Can you give us the secret to the Casket? Was there a breakaway floor or something so you could breathe? What were you thinking in there with them drilling and all? SO many bad memories for me!!!

10. The last one connects you and me. Spiritually speaking, how did you come to know terms such as intuition, third eye, evolution, past lives, and others? I blogged about this with ” The Spiritual Warrior” in regards to the comic book. Also, this relates to your final speech on RAW? It sounded eerie…, (This would take a while am sure for him)

Well, fans there’s my list. I do know possibly how he’d answer some ( most with his big hearty laugh!) He probably wouldn’t give the casket secret away! Here’s what I WOULDN’T discuss:

1. Steroids/Trial

2. Lawsuits

3. Money

4. Destruction DVD

5. Disgust of the betrayal in WCW

6. Contracts

7. Vince McMahon ( negative aspects)

8. Hulk Hogan ( not really anyway)

9. Not being a “technical” wrestler

10. His disciplined intense workout

~~ Been there, DONE that!

I could easily ask a TON more but will keep it at a 10 count. Personally, I’d ask some questions about his family life but nothing too intimate. Maybe this interview wouldn’t become “newsworthy” but I KNOW Warrior would love it. Maybe I’m a little biased but honestly, these questions would resonate so much better than the millionth time being asked the 10 DON’TS I listed. I think much has been said also about his early years in the business with Sting.

What would your questions be Warrior fans? Watching some of the matches or promos always brings up funny stuff and that’s what I’m about. This blog really started with Dana doing a Q and A a few summers ago where she answered my question– best for last LOL!

~~ Here’s to Warrior remembering his 60th and being that Dad his girls knew so well. My wish is that he is happy spiritually but he gives me signs all the time! πŸ™πŸ» Perhaps he’ll answer some of my questions in other ways, who knows? Take that clothesline other “interviewers!”

P. S. Here is the YouTube video link of the photo above titled: “Put Your Mind Into Your Workout.”

I know this video is about working out but it’s so much more. There are so many good ones out there but this is great wisdom to listen and learn from.

~~~ One LAST thing, this is always an emotional time of year for me as shortly before Warrior’s birthday 3 years ago, I began writing. That’s also when I found my 1st feather~~ a beautiful white one! πŸ˜‡

β€œIt’s Never One Thing!”

Before I begin today, there’s a few things needing to be acknowledged. First, it’s my daughter’s 13th birthday and also the 5th anniversary of my Warrior logo tattoo. You can find that story blogged or in my book Spirit and Belief. Another memory of five years ago, what an adventure! Now, I have two teenagers– oh my… 😬

O.K., now with the present topic written above. That also seems to be a newer catchphrase of mine and I really think it belongs on a t-shirt (: Think about all those things in your life whether good or bad. It can be people, places, objects, or anything. I will bet the reasons you like or dislike them are many. That’s certainly true for me. Even hobbies or interests give many feelings that are never one thing- like with Warrior.

I often times reference that statement when really discussing him with like-minded folks. You gotta get that celebrity thing out of the way first and learn more. For me years ago, um… that wasn’t an issue. Why would it be? Us fans only saw and knew what was on our T.V’s. What a different world today with all the social media out there. There were always other shows I watched with it being more than one reason why. I know you can think of yours and make a list that fits.

How about a job you have? Whatever it is, I know there are many reasons you have for liking/disliking/having/aspiring etc. that involves something other than one concept. It is anything and everything! Sometimes it really can be one reason but that probably is a rarity. Are you a parent? Why do you live where you are? What foods do you love? How about animals? Just some questions to ask yourself with regards to this huge topic. We all can relate in our lives.

It has been and continues to be quite the evolution with me and Warrior. So many connectors and reasons why he has remained with my own longevity. Just like with any start, we all have a drawing point. That point then expands like it typically does. This is especially true with people. Any relationship begins small with little similarities but then grows into more bigger ones. Of course this can be friendship, romance, physical, or even ya know– spiritual! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’™

I have listed so many attributes of mine and Warrior and even made a YouTube video about a pros/cons list. We all need to get to those many reasons that bring us towards something. Maybe there is one thing that beats them all but they are still roped together. It’s like building a house. It needs that foundation to support the rest.

Always have I tried to share my many things with all of you but with Warrior— there isn’t just one! If I had to pick some qualities they would have to be loyalty, honesty, and trust. I know how he felt about those words based on his experiences and yet they parallel mine. I also show the humor since that is so important and maybe one not too many associated with him often. Always find something good, even in naysayers.

The truth is that none of us are one thing at all. If you ask others what they like or admire about you, it’s more than likely one thing. Disliking is different but respect should be many attributes. At least I hope that’s how it is for any of you. Sometimes relationships end over one element and that’s unfortunate. My wish is that they get stronger over time based on how we grow and evolve. Everyone is different though.

I love how honest kids are with stuff. They might like or dislike something for just one reason. How many times have I heard similar answers from my own!? “It’s just funny!” “I just like it.” (Or don’t) “It’s mine!” It just might be that simple for us adults too. For most though, we have more reasons and want more.

My whole life has never been just one thing with most of the passions I pursue. Can you answer the same? If not, no big deal but just always remember to start small and keep that foundation from crumbling…….

~~ Here is my video from a few years back as to reasons why Warrior is working with me in spirit!

β€œFear is an Aberration!”

“Fear, fear is an aberration.

Fear is the air that cowards breathe.

Fear is the first taste of defeat.

The Warrior only breathes the air of the brave and the Warrior only feasts on the fruit of VICTORY!”

~~~ The Ultimate Warrior

~~~11/25/89 (before his SNME match against Andre the Giant)

Such powerful words as always from the Ultimate Warrior and I have made this part of my meditation everyday. Maybe that sounds crazy to some but us warriors have a little bit of crazy in us for sure! 😜 Are you fearful or fearless? I used to say it depended on the situation but now I choose the latter.

The most important thing to remember with the word FEAR is that it has no power over you. Also, do not compare yourself to others as I always did. I used to think nobody would believe my “fearful” situations but just chalk them up as silly. Everyone else’s were much more important or dramatic than mine.

That was an incredibly tough mindset to get out of. So very tough. Our past really does affect our future whether we believe that or not. Even though some of my life stories weren’t as drama filled as others, I don’t shy away from them now and in fact I defend them. They make us who we are and form us into the people we become. Not everyone is a “risk-taker” or outgoing but that doesn’t mean you are fearful.

Sometimes, we hit our stride later but everything is in perfect timing. I always did stuff that wasn’t with the “norm” (like Warrior in a way) but was it considered fearless? Probably not. That used to bother me SO much but now, not at all. People’s definitions of some words are never the same and they place labels or their own experiences over everything. Comparing can become such a nasty habit and some people never outgrow it. Don’t be one of those people and I hope as warriors, you are not.

Warrior’s passing has brought me into the most fearless I have ever been. My humility makes this so hard to write but it is very true. There are things I never even dreamed or imagined doing and did fear dominate? NO! Well, I must admit in the beginning it did just a little. I’ve evolved so much since then. I look at Dana and just marvel at her accomplishments. To think she describes herself as introverted shocks me. I know she also never imagined this life without Warrior. She is fearless in her own right but he would’ve wanted that for her.

I am also certain people I know could never have guessed how my life would change with his passing. I have a few other opportunities on the horizon and can’t wait to share more details soon! Be your OWN fearless warrior with whatever projects are in the works for you. Keep those dreams active and abolish fear.

What is holding you back? Let me guess… Judgments, resources, time, finances, unworthiness, laziness, losing your “comfort zone,” and am predicting others. I definitely have had some of this on my journey. Listen to that intuition like I have said before but life is always a balancing act. Head versus heart every single day. Who wins? Such a hard one depending on your circumstance. We should follow the “do what feels good or right for you” saying but not at the expense of becoming penniless or a victim. Did Warrior listen to fear or follow his intuition? I think we all know that answer as we must do the same.

Think of all the areas in your life where fear dominates. Possibly try narrowing down that list and conquer a few. I can say to dive right in but realistically some cannot. Literally speaking, I never did learn how to dive! LOL!!

Be able to look back on your life and say how fearless you were or how you evolved. You will never regret kicking fear to the curb or pinning it to the mat. Replace fear with a victorious NEW word of fearlessness. Learn it. Know it. OWN it. Always believe it. You can also make fear an aberration. Warrior did. Dana did. I am and you can too. πŸ’–πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ‘

~~~ For more info follow me on:

~~~You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Don’t forgot the website gives you details on my book and a Work with Me page too!

The Spiritual Warrior

Before I thought of this next post, my mind wondered what other topics to discuss. The book “A Life Lived Forever” always inspires me but then I looked at other things in my Warrior collection. The comic book caught my eye as I hadn’t paged thru it in quite some time. 22 years ago I read all of it after purchasing from my local drugstore. Sometimes I’d glance at it but then once again 4 years ago. It was too soon to pick that up as the hospital scene hit a little too close to my heart. πŸ˜’πŸ’”

Warrior mentions “Destrucity” within the introduction and then these pages pictured near the end. Back then, the entire concept amazed me despite the mortality reference. I would just read the words and think– WOW… but now in my spiritual development, it has an entirely new meaning.

I did some research (highlighted words) as this doesn’t even include the story itself. The words “higher self” or “selves” are mentioned 17 times, “evolution” or “past lives” is mentioned 15 times, and “intuition” 4. These words meant very little if nothing to me then but I always believed anyway.

For some of you disconnected with Warrior’s spiritual nature, just read these pages. I only have the first book but that’s enough for me. When I first starting getting “signs,” I read many books and they ALL referenced these words of Warrior’s. I had no idea at the time how his mindset really was. Not a clue. At least not a strong one anyway. Those were words never in my life before and intuition I learned as “conscience.” He even references God but this can also be synonymous with Creator, Source, Divine Light, consciousness, or any other term you connect to.

Many words he used throughout his career like destiny, intensity, energy, strength, and of course spirit and belief ( wink-wink– my book!) It wasn’t until later on that he mentioned more spiritual words and boy did I pay attention! For him to describe evolution and past lives relates so well with what I am learning now. My belief system never aligned with how I view spirituality today.

The “spirit of warrior” is in all of us if we do indeed listen to that higher self and follow our intuition. That is my entire message of what I am trying to educate others on. I never picked up one book or looked at one blog during my development thinking of Warrior in this way– never. I only researched to find out what all these “signs” meant for me and why Warrior seemed so strong a presence. It wasn’t because I knew or remembered him describing higher selves, evolution, or intuition at all. There are many more magazine articles or YouTube videos of Warrior’s where these are mentioned several times.

He explains on the Ultimate Collection DVD how: ” whatever the character was in the ring was just an amped up version of who that character was outside the ring.” At first I thought– no way! He isn’t the Ultimate Warrior all the time until I realized he meant something deeper. He means deep down to the core and for him, it was the spiritual Warrior. Why do you think he was so successful with his promos or words? Yes, some thought he was strange but he already had that spiritual side within.

He used that to evolve into the character he not only wanted to be but needed to be. He honored his true beliefs and not many people seemed receptive at the time. To think I just thought he was cool and different… πŸ˜œπŸ’– Little did I know and maybe you warriors didn’t either just how much spirituality was part of his very essence. I of course, had no idea of my own really until an experience ten years ago. I never made it a big deal but again- always believed and accepted. It had nothing to do with Warrior at all.

Reading and looking at the comic book now leaves me feeling too many things to describe. I am so incredibly honored and amazed at how he acknowledges MY spiritual warrior all the time. This is my destiny and I find things out that always blow my mind. When others say: “He was just a character on T.V.,” I just laugh now instead of becoming defensive. πŸ˜‚ I know better and am so grateful to be included within his tribe of following my OWN spirit of warrior.

Listen to your higher self.

Evolve into your OWN spiritual warrior.

Follow your intuition everyday . ( I sign this in my books!)

~~~ My meditation everyday has always included: “Help me connect with my higher self which in turn leads me to the Divine.”

You can follow my other spiritual blog at:

I would love to hear your stories of finding the “spirit of warrior” inside you!! ~~~ #alwaysbelieve

Holding My OWN

I decided to get inspired by Dana Warrior’s blog post of last week titled: “Warriors Meet Their Match.” First, I did say how Warrior himself always inspired me but now it has become more about his wife Dana. Her words always resonate with me in some way. Second, that takes me to the reason I’m writing today and that is to share my version or story of “Holding My OWN.” I felt compelled somewhat to expand on her words with a little dose of myself mixed in.

Like she said about “not wanting to ruffle feathers,” I feel the same. For the first time EVER, I do have to disagree a teeny tiny bit with her views on friendships– especially women. I adore Dana, you all know I do but being part of this tribe of #TotalWarriors, we all have a story and a voice. She stated with keeping a friendship that if things don’t go right: “the muck is squarely upon you.” I totally understand this however, I GAVE to some friendships and got very little in return. Yes, to be a friend you do have to give but possibly I gave too much.

For years, I beat myself up about so many things but then decided how wrong that was. I will OWN some situations regarding female friends but not all. Some people just need to be let go so we can evolve in a new way. Friendships worth saving need to be 50-50 just like a romance even though both are HARD. We can only try so much until cutting our losses. No one’s circumstances are the same so those women who have a few close BFF’s, you are truly blessed.

People do grow apart for various reasons but some in my life didn’t want to go that extra mile and give equally. No one person should be the “doer” without the other helping pull the rope on the other side.

This brings me to the other topic on those romantic relationships of ours. This blog wouldn’t be true without me mentioning Warrior, right? I am so glad to also have a man who would defend my honor to anyone just like Warrior did for Dana. I must admit though when we first started dating, I hated him doing those little extra things for me. Don’t get me wrong- I secretly loved it but had that same attitude Dana mentioned of: “I can do it myself.” The truth was that I did so much for my independent self back then, I had no idea that a guy– any guy would help me with stuff ever.

I have always prided myself with not being like those other girls living to impress a boy. I dressed the way I wanted, wore my hair the way I liked, and was interested in many things. None of it would ever be to get a boy even if I could or to have more friends either. I would hate being a twin and sorry to any of you out there but it wasn’t written in the stars for me!

Being a “robot” or “clone” isn’t the Warrior way and it never was for me. Sometimes, it still is like that today. We all want to fit in with shared interests but still want to OWN our true nature.

I sure hope my kids absorb some of my “authenticness” into their own being as well. They see how their Dad does little things for me and without feeling complacent, I know it’s him being himself while making me happy. He’ll warm up my coffee or bring me nachos and wine. β˜•οΈπŸ₯™πŸ·Sure, I can do those things but it took me a long time accepting a man still “wooing” his girl.

I remember how it was back in high school from very personal experiences and when Dana and Mattie mention guys not fighting for girls, I get it. It used to be like this: A girl would leave her BFF in a situation almost right away if her BF called. Yep, so true and so sad. On the other hand, a boy would rarely leave his cool guy friends if a girl called. He’d be labeled “hen-pecked” or “whipped.” I sure hope that’s not the case today but with my children on the cusp of this, Mama will have a say!

I will not knock all the guys out there since many behaviors are generational or perhaps not even learned. Much is common sense but some men just don’t know their “place.” They want to please their girl but don’t know how. Women of yesteryear had men doing almost everything for them that nowadays they can do on their own. It is confusing for sure and takes so much work but in the long run, very worth it.

My husband and myself have quite the age difference similar to Warrior and Dana’s but sharing like minded goals should win over any number. For me personally, I am glad to have been near my late twenties when we met. By then I already had a pretty good sense of myself and felt much pride being my OWN woman. I didn’t fall into that category of childhood home, college, then marriage. I know this will serve me well in the future as most women my age are finally learning to not rely on a man for everything. Again, I LOVE the little things my husband does for me but also know they don’t affect my survival.

I was not ready for marriage at that young age of 21 or 22 even though a man’s family I was seeing then wanted us to become more serious. Everyone chooses their own path and based on some marriages I knew of, it would be different for me.

I do OWN my feminine self more now than ever before. No, I was never a “girly girl” who lives for dresses and high heels. I express it when and how I want but don’t feel the need to conform. Dana is right with romantic relationships being about a dance. We do have to give our hearts despite fear of the unknown. My husband is our family’s protector and I can’t imagine being without him. One day if I must be without him, my inner independent warrior woman will have to hold my OWN while remembering that I can.

Holding Your OWN is extremely challenging in these times but necessary in order to thrive. Whatever your role as a man or woman, treat your significant other the way you’d like to be treated despite possible societal ways of the past. My husband and I need to teach our son how to treat a girl properly but I believe the same needs to be said of our daughter.

There are differences of course but once you see someone as your equal, then your partnership will become real. I held my OWN then and will always as is my wish for you.

~~~ Kathy πŸ’–πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ€— (other spiritual topics) (Dana’s blog)